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The Heavens Gift-Religion

Solomon calms and seems to be a chosen one from Hemmblin, seeming to have the powers that he was said to have. Him and his male sons and grandsons all seem to be unable to die from mortal ways like age and sickness. At someone's in history being a Vilegrave was the same as being a monster or a god.


The more people put there time into the church the high they're looked on. It's easier for men to get higher and higher in the social hierarchy, anyone friends with a vilegrave is see as innately good. in the years after La became the last human city the heavens gift becomes like the government behind the sgins

Public Agenda

they that your body sees no difference of red and black blood. Letting you get to the highest power one can get.


Name of Holy Book:

The Heaven’s Pages a book that's often printed small. 4x4 it's a small book about how to live your life, and how to improve your daily life. The Gift guide a book that not many members get to a high enough to read this book, the gift guide tells about how to get the gift of your body seeing no difference of red and black blood. Letting you get to the highest power one can get.

Name of Followers:

the Gifted

Number of Deities:

Questionable (0-2)

Major gods)/goddesses):

  Solomon(someone what a god on earth) Hemmblin (the true god, the god of blood)

Level of Anthropomorphization of Deities)

: as human/koroblin as you

Is there a set founder of this religion?:

Solomon vilegrave Solomon calms and seems to be a chosen one from Hemmblin, seeming to have the powers that he was said to have. Him and his male sons and grandsons all seem to be unable to die from mortal ways like age and sickness. At someone's in history being a Vilegrave was the same as being a monster or a god.

Major Holidays:

GrandMas- in the warmer month the church leader decides when is the best to celebrate GrandMa's, its a 1-3 night festival where everyone in a church will do something for the other members, like doing a magic show, selling food, cleaning up ect. The main reason for the holiday is to draw in new members and bring long time members togreather. Blood Day- blood day only happens every 5 years, seen as a old holliday most churches of the heavens gift do not celebrate this holiday. It's a day where they put the different of blood behind them. In the olden days human and koroblin members would cut themselves and drip the blood of one into the other’s cuts. It's not a painless holliday. In later years of the church changed what this holliday was about. It became more of a love the other species. When La was closed off Blood day became more of a holiday to celebrate the heavens gift itself.

Are their any past followers/prophets who have attained the level of being considered a ‘holy men’ or even minor deities?:

It's the goal of most heaven’s gift members to get to the point where they are ‘holy men’ to get to the point where they are no longer seen as just human or just koroblin, all tho most do not get that high without dying from a blood sickness, it seems like the ones who were able to grow into holymen where either vilegrave’s or liked by the vilegrave’s *Equale *Ever *Later *flaw These 4 seem to be the members who were non vilegrave who are viewed as holly, that still are alive.


Images of Hemmblin are allowed, all the images of solomon are not allowed he doesn't like being seen as a god in that way. Hemmblin totems are seem as good luck to the home, keeping bad energy out, and good thoughts in. this totem is mostly “ a sack of humanoid skulls without the jaw, skulls can be real or not” other common totem of Hemmblin is “a small vial of red and black blood, often worn as a pendent on a necklace. The blood could just be colored water” its a symbol of peace and unitining the two kinds.


Depending on whos marrying who. Human+human/koroblin+koroblin: not much different than our normal weddings, main difference is what they say “we promise that, we are not like water to each other, we are friends, we are family, we are each other's blood” Koroblin+human: these marriages are viewed as a huge thing, everyone from the church goes, seems like a shame not to go. At these wedding after there words to each other the priest would cut both of their wrist, both of them has the others blood dropped on the other’s palm side of their left hand, in most cases they give them a burn and later on a scar. Cross species marriages often have matching scars then rings.


Funerals are as important as birth’s If someone is dying of old age or sickness they all ready have there funeral starting. Friends and family would come visit the soon to be body, who if there too sick to eat at a hospital would be laid down in the family home, most oftenly there bed. There favorite things would be doctoring the room, three favorite music would play throw out the house. People share stories of there life and do there best to make the dying one smile and remember all the great things they did. As time draw closer friends would leave and family would all go into the dying’s room. There SO would hold her hand until they are gone. After the body is dead the family calls a mortuary, most families have the body buried by the mortician. But others ask for there skull to be removed and cleaned to be used for the homes Hemmblin totem. As well as sometimes containing there blood to the church itself, where they put it in the heavens gift.

Coming of age

At 15 kids have a whole year to pick if they want to go down the heaven’s path or not. Going down the heaven’s path basically means that they want to get to a high plane of life, but give up being able to have normal life. The church becomes your whole life.

Birth of a child?

: The birth of a child has always been seen as a important life event, for the kid and the mother. As birth can sometimes end in a death, the church sees this moment for people to be by their side. Close friends and family are incurred to be in the same room as the mother. Keeping the mom clam as the pain happens. If everything goes well, the group of friends and family, and the mom. All pick what name fits said kid the most. Often whoever says a name first tends to be the one to name the kid.

Other rituals?

Going down the heavens path is the biggest ritual one can do, often taking years and even a whole lifetime to find shen. The first step is to find out deep down in yourself what is your core value. Like, family, being flawless, friends, animals, etc. After that they spend years trying to perfect them self in that area. After they feel like they gotten to a point there they all most gotten them self to the point where they are perfect in that value, there allowed to go down to the heavens gift itself. They have 6 trails to do, where they can only solve it with there value they hold close. After that they go down to the heavens gift. Where they cut both of their wrist as deeply as possible, they dump their wrist deep into a vate, of a mix of human and koroblin blood. The church doesn't like talking about this but most people die doing this, only few live after this, witch always gives a human a koroblin from, or a koroblin magic abilities. All tho no matter what side of the coin your on there always seem to be a catch. No one comes back from this being the same person they once were.

What do they define as a soul? Is it exclusive to only their species?

The heaven’s gift teaches that blood is where the soul is from. As blood is the one thing all living things have in some way. All the other religions have the same view they often also teach the color of blood makes one lesser or higher then the other. The heavens gift teaches that both are the same. But after the separation of humans into la. They no longer even talk about that koroblins are even out there. But they still teach about different colors of blood.

What does this religion believe happens after death? Does this happen to non believers as well?

Death of the body doesn't always mean death to you as a person and a being. If your blood or organs and transferred to another person it's still seen as if your still living on. There not much of a after life but more of a “your soul” lives on earth with blood. Even one of your blood cells going into a vate of the heavens gift, means that in a way you won't ever die.

What do they define as sin? How must they atone for it?

They don't really have things they view as sin, but there is one thing they find as the most immoral thing you can do, and that is treating someone different because of the color of there blood. Even after the separation of humans and koroblins they teach more about hating someone just based off of how they look or what there family name is. Is the sign of being the worst you can be. Equality is the highest value to them.

How do followers communicate with their divine power? Do they interact by making offerings?

When ones life becomes one of fear and sadness, a way they try to feel better is by going to a totem of Hemmblin a cutting a small cut on there arms and bleed a little on the totem. After they say a prayer or a plea of some kind. After this most people say they get a dream that often calms them down or answer a question that's bothering them.

Gender Roles:

Males are the ones to pass down the family name, they often are expected to lead the family in one way. Think of it like the leader of the pack. The head of the family can change, mostly keeping it too the son whos the riches or the most successful, or just the one who challenges the family the most. Ladies are seem as the ones to keep the families togreather, to take care of things in the background.

Romantic love and marriage?

They find settling down really important as family is another important thing. All tho they do teach that you should never marry someone you don't really love. Social hierarchy The more people put there time into the church the high they're looked on. It's easier for men to get higher and higher in the social hierarchy, anyone friends with a vilegrave is see as innately good.

What a normal family is like:

All members of a family are important. Let's say you have a cousin twice removed, is still as important as your sister. As only as they have your family's last name there just as important as the rest of it. Often there a man on top of the hierarchy who keeps the family in check, making sure no one is doing something that the family looks down on.

Thoughts on morality:

Morality is something that we made, that we should keep hold, the less amount of harm you do it another the better.

mainly practiced by:

Once this religion was extremely small in europe, later the church was able to get more and more members and they all moved to the soon to be usa. Both humans and koroblins joined. But after the bombs hit the religion in its purest form has been stuck in La. and for the most part only having human members thoughts on interfaith marriages Any thing that breaks promises and trust, especially within family is viewed in a triebel light. People who do this almost gets shunned by everyone in there church.

Thoughts on non believers

They believe that non believers should join them, but the close thing to missionaries they have, is just teaching to members that they should be nice to those not in the church, but is they can't get you to join, they won't make you.


Wasting blood, self-harm. And racism.

Mythology & Lore

They have a strong belief that Hemmblin there god was the first of the gods. He's the maker of souls and that a good after life would be with one him in it. they believe Hemmblin is the one who has the power to turn people into gods. Korokoro, Cuerso, and the true judge All have Hemmblin to thank for there powers.


The Heavens gift is a church that ruins everyday. with talks given and advice given. Priest of the church spend everyday running the church and helping the members in the town that there church is in. members can go to church when ever they want, if you ever if need of help visiting the church is all ways good.


Fundamental GiftHood (FGH)

A small sect of extremist, known to outside of there religion as “terrorist” having extreme racism to humans and full Koroblins, beliving that half koroblins are both made in the image of the gods but also have the power of the gods. Want to get rid of anyone who isn’t half koroblin as them. Believing they are gifted beyond the rest. They tend to live in small towns by the self, rarely letting outsiders in.  

Heavens Order

the heavens order is one that follows 3 gods (unlike most of the heavens church’s) focusing the Gods of life, God of judgment, and The Holder of Faith. They teach that one must live a orderly and clean life, let faith take the, where to go and follow they flow. unlike most Heaven church’s sects they look down on necromancy as faith doesn’t lead to someone coming back to life. there also known for future seeing powers, all tho mostly unclear and not all ways true there one of the few groups who have learned to try to read the faith strings.

Blood Is The Heavens Gift

Religious, Cult
the Gifted
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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