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Aster (ˈæstə)

Aster is the Capital city of The Republic of Aster. The name is derived from the Asterian word for star. The prevailing belief is that the city was founded by Dyti Colonists who had seen a star fall from the heavens and into the Pesmenos Lake.   It is believed by many Asterians that times of splendour are heralded by a star falling into the lake. It is notable that a star has not fallen into the lake in decades. The last star to fall fell in the year


Aster is mainly Inhabited by the descendants of the orginal Dyti Settlers. The Senatorial Class makes up the rich ruling class. The city has a large population of impoverished people, they are fed by the state.


The City is ruled directly by the Senate, which is also responsible for the rule of the whole of the Asterian Republic.
Founding Date
50 PT
Alternative Name(s)
The Great City, The Star of Elwe
800 000
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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