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  The Republic of Aster has ruled the known world for the better part of 400 years. At its height, it stretched from the great ocean in the west to the plains of Issiz in the east, and all the way to the great Jungle of Notos in the south.   after the fifth war with the eastern kingdom of Issiz the republic was left weakened and shaken. Issiz however, was just as shaken, and Aster was winning. Aster mustered the largest army the republic had ever seen. nearly 100 000 Asterian soldiers took part in the battle for Korkunc's Rest. The issizi army facing them was almost just as large. None lived to tell the tale of how the battle went, for when the great calamity happened, no one was ready for it. the prime armies of Aster were totally destroyed as the Empire of Issiz melted away.   This unprecedented crisis proved insurmountable for the aging republic. with the army in tatters, and the senate in chaos, local leaders, generals and oppressed peoples rose up and split from the republic. in just a year, Aster was but a shell of its former self. the Senate, granting great powers to the general Alceus Priam, managed to restore order in the heartlands of the republic. another prestigious general, Pythius Lexus, appointed by the senate to pacify the east of the empire did just that. But unlike Alceus, he never laid down his powers, and seceded from the republic. claiming to be the rightful ruler of all of aster. his banner now waves across much of Estomi. simply referred to as East Aster.   after a decade of chaos across the known world. the republic, under the iron leadership of Alceus Priam, has retaken many lands across the continent of Elwe. even encroaching on the old independent northern kingdoms.   the future of Aster is uncertain, will Aster once more rule the known world. or will successor states and smaller kingdoms rip apart what's left of the greatest empire in history.  

Geography & Demographics

The Republic of Aster currently controls a much reduced land area compared to before the Great Calamity. Its holdings however, are still formidable, and it remains the largest nation in the known world. The core of Aster is made up of its capital city of the same name, Aster. The city was founded around 100 PT, built by human settlers from the west, called the Dytí. The Dytí also founded the cities Apoika, Piroúni, and Dásestelos.   Aster currently rules all of Gisteria (Southern Elwe) and half of Welond (Northern Elwe). It used to control nearly all of Notos, and all the shores of Estomi south of Glachtir.  


The Founding of Aster

The Republic of Aster was founded by the Dytí settlers from the west. These settlers comprised mainly humans, but included Tieflings, Satyrs, Kenku, and Aarakokra. It is likely the Dytí were fleeing a catastrophe in their homeland, though the details have been lost in time, or they are not public knowledge. The largest four Dytí colonies, in order of size, Aster, Apoika, Dásestélos, and Piroúni united under one banner in the year 0 (establishing the modern calendar as a by-product).   The four cities decided to unite mainly at the insistence (and threat) of Aster's senate. Apoika had already lost a war to Aster, and was under their control in all but name. The other two cities elected to peacefully submit to Asterian rule, but all three other cities gained many concessions for their acquiescence, and were mostly equal in political power to Aster.  

Early Expansion

In the first century MT, the Young Republic spread rapidly across Gisteria, quickly coming into conflict with the Ancient Fachfordian Kingdom, Hynadeyr. After a short but brutal war, the declining ancient kingdom was completely dismantled. With the fall of Bezet, and other small Weallander colonies some decades later, Aster now controlled all of mainland Gisteria.   The second century MT saw much less expansion, as plague and famine swept the known world. However, after the great plagues of the second century, Aster bounced back quickly. In the Third century MT, Aster was encroaching on the powerful Weallander Kingdom of Dor in the north of Elwe. Dor sought to halt the upstart Republic's growth at the Ténontas Pass. But Dorran provinces rebelled, and the Asterian navy laid waste to the Dorran fleet, and landed armies behind the Dorran king at the pass. Dor's capital fell only months later, and it was all over in less than two years. Aster made promises to leave the newly independent Harten and Senke, and the already independent Stalland alone. Which, to their credit, so far they have honoured. Dor was not gone entirely, but went from the indisputed power of Elwe, to its weakest nation.  

Expansion into Notos and Estomi

The Fourth century brought Aster into conflict with the Weallander powers of Notos and Estomi. Over the course of many smaller wars, resulting in the fall of Cæpton and the surrender of the Weallander alliance in 340 MT, Aster asserted its dominance outside Elwe for the first time. The provinces Archipelos and Akrinotos were established, and Aster first encountered the Empire of Issiz.   In the same century, only some years later, Issiz and Aster first butted heads in the First Issizi war, which ended in a stalemate. In the second half of the century, Asterian colonies were growing rapidly on the shores of Estomi. Furthermore Asterian influence in the already existing Weallander cities there threatened to supplant defacto Issizi rule over them. This resulted in the second Issizi war. The armies of Issiz were no match for the unprepared and decentralised Asterian Colonies, which were destroyed one by one. Asterian influence in Estomi was completely wiped away.   However, Aster would not be idle, and at the turn of fourth century, many Asterian settlers had returned during a time of internal instability in Issiz. The third Issizi war began after a pro Issizi king of the city was overthrown by pro-Asterian nobles. Issiz laid siege to the city, which prompted Aster to step in. This time, far more prepared than before. The siege was broken, and followed up by a string of impressive Asterian victories in the Steel Cliff Sea. This conflict completely ended any Issizi hopes of a naval presence in the Filiko Sea. The war dragged on for a decade with no clear victor in sight, until the emperor of Issiz suddenly died of food poisoning, resulting in a bitter power struggle in Issiz.   Aster was left with free reign to reorganise Estomi, and enforced a harsh peace treaty on Issiz. Issiz lost all influence in the Weallander cities of Estomi, and the province of Neodytia was formed.  

The Fourth Issizi war

The Fourth Aster-Issizi war was the deadliest war in the known world since the wars of Elves and Dwarves. It began with an unexpected incursion by Issizi armies into Neodytia and the conquering of the Asterian-allied Weallander cities of southern Estomi.   With the Asterian governor being completely unprepared, the province of Neodytia was almost completely overrun. The senate appointed a dictator for the first time in centuries to take charge against the Issizi threat.   by 490, Wédon was the only Asterian foothold left in Estomi, and it was under siege by Issiz. The republic mounted a huge landing of troops in what is now Vectir. The Issizi forces there and north of Fuscus were completely caught of guard and utterly annihilated. This left the road into Issiz proper completely open. Asterian forces ignored Wédon, and laid siege to the major Issizi city of Potoneiron in 492, and destroyed a quickly gathered Issizi army attempting to stop them. The siege was harrowing, with the mages of Potoneiron inflicting terrible casualties on the Asterians.   The Issizi army at Wédon broke their siege, and marched south to relieve Potoneiron. Asterian Rangers slowed down the army and hampered their supply lines. The 40000 strong Issizi army was resting at the small town of Avondin when a small fleet of Asterian ships, concealed by fog and aided by war priests attacked the Issizi camp on the riverbank with Asterian firethrowers. The camp was completely destroyed, and thousands of Issizi soldiers perished. The army then retreated in disarray towards Issiz. 2000 Asterian soldiers ambushed them around Dudin and shattered the demoralised army.   Issis and Aster then signed a peace, granting Aster the provinces of Pólesos and Íliotos.  

The Great Calamity

The Great Calamity was preceded by the fifth Issizi war. With Asterian control of Estomi never stronger, the recent Issizi Emperors chafed at their ill fortunes. This came to a head in the 580s, when Issiz made a last attempt to reassert their power over Estomi. Aster had been at peace for nigh a century, and their armies were not as prepared for war as they thought. Issizi armies made great progress, but their economy was no match for the Republic at the hight of its power. Aster slowly erased Issizi progress, and in 590, was fielding the greatest army the republic had ever seen. 100 000 men stood ready to invade Issiz. At the battle of Korkunc's Rest, two gargantuan armies faced each other, but none know who would have won.   The cause of the Calamity is yet unknown. A great Magical explosion, its epicentre at the fortress of Korkunc's Rest, wiped out both struggling armies. Many think it was a last ditch effort by Issizi mages to prevent the fall of their Empire to Aster. However, the complete desolation of Issiz which came as a result of the calamity brings this theory into much doubt.   What is certain, is that no matter who or what caused the event, no one was spared its consequences. The world, and Aster, fell into complete disarray. The Asterian Province of Akrinotos fell to a Weallander Revolt, the General sent by the senate to pacify the Eastern provinces did just that, but then crowned himself Emperor of Aster, and rose in open revolt, establishing East-Aster. The southern provinces of Pólesos and Íliotos remained loyal, but were forced to fend for themselves with the complete absence of Asterian armies, thus they too slipped from Asterian rule.   The gravest hit of all, was the Etaikí uprising. The Etaikí company was and remains the largest company in the world. They had a monopoly on Filiko sea trade, and fielded a large private navy to protect that trade. They maintained dockyards, harbours, and even held defacto control of many cities under the republic. It seems none of this was enough for the Chairman of the company, who rose in revolt. At the battle of Cæpton, the Asterian navy was ambushed by its presumed subjects and allies, Etaikí, and destroyed. The Cæp Isles fell like domino stones to the company, through bribery, coups, assassinations and simple force, who established a Mercantile Dictatorial State ruled by the chairman and The Board (Corporatocracy).  

Alceus Priam

In the last Decade, Aster has been saved from destruction by the capable acts of Alceus Priam. Alceus was appointed dictator by the Senate, and told to do whatever must be done to save the republic. He did just that, he retook the rebelling Bezet, Pacified the Eastern Shores, and punished the Astynian meddling in Bezet. He is rebuilding the Asterian navy, and has set his eyes to the east. There, Etaikí grows ever more powerful. But, it is facing threats on all sides, and if Alceus is concerned, it will be nipped in the bud before it sees its 25th anniversary in 5 years.

aièn aristeúein 'Ever to Excel'

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
The Republic, Dytia, The Dyti
Ruling Organization
Head of State
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
The Senate of Aster
Judicial Body
The Senate of Aster
Executive Body
The Senate of Aster
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


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