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Ferro Sovereignty

The first true civilization on the planet Kronos, the Ferro Sovereignty was birthed from the stranded survivors of the Ferro Dominion fleet after the Battle of Kronos. After thirty years in orbit, the remaining Ferro ships landed on the continent newly formed by the crash of the Draconic Dreadnought, but it took another seventy years of clinging to the hope of rescue and recovery from the planet by other Dominion forces until Princess Victoria, as her last command from her death bed, declared the Ferro forces on Kronos to be a sovereign nation and subject to no laws or command but that of their own, breaking ties to the Ferro Dominion and giving in to the realization that Kronos was their new home and they had to make the best of it and move forward.


The Construction Era

105AC – 250AC   After finally accepting their fate on their new home, the Ferro Sovereignty set to work building a new life. They began re-shaping their landed ships into homes and buildings, and used materials from non-functioning ships (and salvaged from the Dreadnought itself) to create a marvelous city full of steel towers and sparkling glass. Skyscrapers pierced the clouds and the Ferro Sovereignty spread through the lush land like wildfire.   Clinging to the remnants of their culture, the new Ferro civilization expanded into the jungle known as The Green Maw and flourished, despite only building the single large city of Ferro with their advanced magicks and technology.   The Ferro Sovereignty grew unchallenged for centuries, and by the time the other species of the Dreadnought managed to climb to the surface world and establish themselves, the Ferro were already mighty. The combination of the Ferro Dominion’s conflict with numerous other species and the fact that they were the sole inhabitants of Kronos for generations gave birth to a xenophobic sense of superiority in the Ferro Sovereignty, and the Era of Blood that followed is directly linked to those views.  

The Era of Blood

250AC – 900AC   Though most records from this era are lost to time and to flame, a few key historical figures and events have survived into the modern era and even given rise to some myth and legend and establish some religious canon for theocracies moving forward.   One of the most devestating factors in the events leading up to the Era of Blood was that crown prince Zemandrius was put on the throne only six months before the first encounter with the refugees from the Dreadnought. Inexperienced and terrified of plots against him, Zemandrius declared open war against any and all non-human races, proclaiming that it was the will of Ferro that all species be subjugated beneath their iron boots and sacrificed to the glory of their sovereignty. What followed was known as Zemandrius’ Purge and was three-hundred years of persecution for anyone fleeing the apocalyptic wreckage of the Dreadnought, blood sacrifices of hundreds of thousands of innocents on the steps of the Ferro altars, all culminating in the collapse and loss of the City of Ferro and the Desolation of Nightmares that followed as widespread plague and famine swept through the land.   It is claimed (by those outside of the current Iron Empire) that it was during a hunting trip into the Spine of the World that Zemandrius stumbled across the first refugees from the Dreadnought. Legend claims that as the king was chasing a wild boar through a winding box canyon, he stumbled across the Orc Chieftan, Tarvos Silverfang emerging from a rent in the ground and, so repelled with the distorted and brutish features of the Orc species, declared the purge of all non-human sapients on Kronos. A decision that would pit the Ferro Sovereignty against the entire rest of the world for a thousand years. (See: Zemandrius & Tarvos Silverfang)  

The Nightmare Era

900AC(approx) – 1400AC(approx)   The Nightmare Era (commonly combined with the succeeding Desolation Era) was heralded by the forming of The Coalition by all the non-Ferro peoples who had fled persecution from the Ferro while escaping the Dreadnought and establishing their own civilizations on Kronos. Despite their near stone-age level of technology and culture, the armies of the Coalition numbered well into the hundreds of thousands, and dwarfed the better-armed Ferro Sovereignty by nearly seventy-to-one. With those odds, even bone and stone spears can defeat steel and lightning.   Little of the Nightmare Era is known to modern scholars—the five hundred years of war and destruction practically wiping the slate of civilization on Kronos clean. At the end of it though, The Ferro Sovereignty was reduced to a shadow of it’s former glory, and the once wanton persecutors were now the ones fleeing from widespread slaughter.


The Desolation Era

1400AC(approx) – 2400AC(approx)   The Nightmare Era is normally combined with the Desolation Era as one of Ferro’s lowest points in history (by the Ferro themselves, most outside the Emprire consider Zemandrius’ Purge the Ferro low point.)   Defeated, their cities sacked and lost to time and the wilderness of the Green Maw, The Ferro people were reduced to a fraction of their population, and it is estimated that at one point fewer than two thousand descendants carried the blood of Ferro Dominion. These people scavenged and fought for survival in the jungle and swamp of the Green Maw, falling into small and scattered tribes to avoid detection and further persecution from the rest of the nations on Kronos. While the Ferro scraped by in poverty and barbarism, the rest of Kronos was given time to heal and build new cultures and civilizations of their own.   By the time Luciene, The First emerged from the jungles of the Maw with her Iron Legions and powerful magicks, the Ferro Sovereignty had become little more than a tale to the people of Kronos, used to scare children who were acting out.

105AC - 1400AC

Geopolitical, Tribe
Predecessor Organization
Successor Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Controlled Territories
Related Species

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