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Glorious Empire of Ferro

“Like a tide, steel swept across the land. Like a wave, legions scoured Kronos. And like the ocean, their depths were unconquerable.”

-Part of the Eulogy of Emperor Luciene Ferro, Luciene the First. As spoken by First Mage, Vicar Ancillary Tybalt Hecate


Emergence Era

2530AC – 2537AC   Few know how the downtrodden and impoverished jungle tribes of the remnants of the Ferro Sovereignty came to such organization and power, but none can deny the might that Luciene, The First, wielded as she marched her armies out of The Green Maw and swept across Kronos. Only the most ancient of texts in the library of the Iron College contain any information about these early years, and almost none touch on how the Glorious Empire of Ferro built up such massive military power from seemingly nothing, but many rumors and legends remain, including the dogma preached by the current Iron Empire: Religious texts claim that Luciene, the First was originally a poor shepherd, and that she stumbled upon the Ancient City of Ferro while being pursued by a wild boar through the jungle. Once there, she was so enraptured by the beauty she saw that she knelt and prayed for three days, and upon being struck with dawn’s light on the third day, she was gifted knowledge of arcane magicks and power.   Regardless of the truth of Luciene, The First, she and her armies marched out of the jungle with the Iron Legions at their backs and conquered the majority of Kronos. In seven short years the Glorious Empire of Ferro held the entire east side of the continent, their control spanning all the way from the Orion Plateau in the north to the Horn of Madness on the southern tip of the landmass. The empire also held influence of a sizeable portion of the Akkian Desert, the Sea of Wings, and the Highlands, though these regions were constantly contested.  


2537AC – 6350AC   The reign of Luciene, The First was a long and bloody one. Records of those close to the first emperor paint her as a hard and meticulous leader, but a calm and patient person. Many said that she could sit and silently stare at a problem—be it a matter of statecraft, military, or complex technical magic—and come up with a precise and exact solution in only a few minutes.   Though the Iron Legions never grew quiet in the early years of the Empire, there was a significant time of peace and prosperity during Luciene’s reign. Once conquest expanded the borders of the Empire and met resistance from expanding further, most conflicts were isolated to far border skirmishes and thousands of miles distant from Glory or the primary lands of the Empire. Notable military actions during this time were:   The Razing of Vaxis
The Seige of Aetherdell
The Catastrophe of Orion Plateau
The Akkian War
  Despite the extreme distance of the engagements, the Iron Legions were known to be flawlessly coordinated and functioned as a ferocious fighting force for centuries.  

The Steel Gods

Created by the Emperor and building off of the foundation of the Iron Legions, The Steel Gods were seven beings forged with magic and metal over the course of a century specifically built to oversee and rule the Empire in Luciene’s stead.   By the time The Steel Gods were created by the Emperor to oversee her Empire, most of the Iron Legions had already been retired from active combat and decommissioned. The single instance when one of the Steel Gods commanded the Legions in a military action was so devestating it left a blackened scar on the history of Kronos and is the reason why the Pharaohs of Akkia now only rule their graves and the city of Neo Vaxis stands atop the ruins of Vaxis. Many say that the world should be infinitely grateful that no other Steel Gods were ever to lead an army.


Brittle Metal

6350AC – 6400AC   It was not long after the creation of the seventh and final Steel God that Luciene retired fully from her position as Emperor. Though her health and vitality had reigned for almost four-thousand years, something in her changed after finally giving up control of her Empire to her seven “children”, and she aged normally and passed peacefully in the night. It is said that her funeral was small and quiet, and while the hundreds of thousands of citizens of the empire mourned her, only a select few actually attended the Cathederal at Toman Head for the service and burial itself.   Not long after her fall, the Steel Gods began disappearing one-by-one until only the youngest remained. It is said that he gave one final command before leaving the Iron Keep for the last time and also disappearing forever: “Remain Diligent.”   Despite that final command and the power of the empire at this point, without the almost omniscient guidance of the Steel Gods and the military might of the Iron Legions, the Glorious Empire of Ferro was doomed to fall to various levels of in-fighting and conflict throughout the land. The distant colonies fell to rebellion quickly, the memory of The Coalition somehow finding root in the hearts of revolutionaries despite being four-thousand years dead, and without the magic or technology to oversee an entire continent, Luciene’s Empire was torn to pieces as ancient heritages and new claims attacked what she had built and left it a bare remnant of it’s former glory—reduced to the rugged lands of the Iron Plains and the jungles of The Green Maw.

2530AC - 6400AC

Geopolitical, Empire
Predecessor Organization
Successor Organization
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members

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