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Luciene, The First

Almost no record of the person before the Emergence of the Glorious Empire of Ferro exists, but some fragments of those who knew her before her ascension claim that though she retained her discerning and straight-forward nature, she had lost much of the compassion and softness of her early years in favor of the rigid toughness required to run a massive empire.   Religious texts demand that Luciene was originally a poor shepherd, and that she stumbled upon the Ancient City of Ferro while being pursued by a wild boar through the jungle. Once there, she was so enraptured by the beauty she saw that she knelt and prayed for three days, and upon being struck with dawn’s light on the third day, she was gifted knowledge of arcane magicks and power.   It wasn’t long until she adopted the name and title of Luciene, the First—Emperor and emerged from the jungle marching at the head of the Iron Legions and into the annals of history.   She was a hard and powerful force of personality, as is expected of the person to single-handedly conquer half the continent. And it is said that her stare could burn holes through the souls of men, leaving them broken wretches before the might of her will. She was discerning and practical, and it is said that she never took a step with the governance of her empire that wasn’t meticulously thought-out and planned to perfection within the complex machinations of her mind. Some rumors claim she had the power of magical foresight, though no actual records can back up that claim. Her abilities and proficiencies vary wildly depending on the source of the telling, but it is well known that she was a powerful mage, a ferocious duelist, and a brilliant artificer.  

Iron Legions

Though Empire doctrine claims that Luciene forged the Iron Legions by hand after her three-day prayer and ascension, the truth remains shrouded in the mists of history and the jungles of the [Green Maw] More likely, she discovered the armies (or factories) of ancient Ferro and created the Iron Legions with the magic and technology she found.   By the time of Emergence, the Legions numbered in the tens-of-thousands, and most scholars estimate that there were more than two-hundred-thousand of them created by the time the Emperor retired them from use.   They were said to have taken no orders or commands except from Luciene herself, or from someone appointed by her as proxy. But when issued a command they were said to be as implacable as the will of the Emperor herself, fulfilling their duty with cold and ruthless efficiency—even if it meant marching straight into fatal danger with no resistance.   This changed later in her life, as she approached her final centuries. And many documents show Lueciene, The First as becoming a kind and empathetic Emperor in how she ruled (and later solidified the dissolution of much of her empire) before finally succumbing to the passage of time.


Luciene, The First


Towards Kronos The Time Dragon

Kronos The Time Dragon


Towards Luciene, The First

Date of Birth
3rd of Dedece, 2515AC
Date of Death
7th of Jule, 6350AC
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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