Aetherspice, aka "Shiver"

Aetherspice, aka "Shiver" is a mildly addictive drug ingested orally - dissolving under the tongue or between tongue and cheek. Extended use often blackens the tongue - a common sign of abuse.

Aetherspice is a distillate of oils from the leaves of the Aerolilia plant, producing variable effects based on volume and purity of dose tempered by recipient tolerance:
  • Prevalent: "Shivers" - seizures leaving the user temporarily paralyzed in a post-ictal state of bliss.
  • Common: "In the Aether" - mild, generally pleasant hallucinations and mellowness for the duration
  • Infrequen:t "Feeding the Void" - increased appetite, dilated pupils, and reddened eyes with no other euphoric effects
  • Rare: "Spiced" - paranoia and distrust
  Aetherspice is more popular with clients of means (cocaine-esque.)


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