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Drey & Zahir Aimilios

Drey and Zahir are the Aristocrats of the Aimilios family within Cnidaria. They run the Fin Clade. Together, they form a formidable duo, their partnership characterised by a dynamic interplay of rapid exchanges and focused insights. Drey leads the charge with his boundless enthusiasm, quick thinking and relentless analysis, while Zahira provides a grounding presence, adept at redirecting her partner's tangents back to the main discussion and seeking clarification.

Their collaborative efforts create an electrifying atmosphere, captivating audiences with their relentless pursuit of knowledge and unwavering commitment to intellectual exploration. While their relentless pace and direct communication style may overwhelm some, for those willing to engage, Drey and Zahira offer a unqiue experience in their exhilarating world of rapid-fire intellectual discourse.


Drey Aimilios exudes a restless intellect and boundless curiosity. His personality crackles with jitteriness, hyperactive behaviors and attention difficulties, fueling rapid-fire exchanges and relentless analysis in discussions. Despite his frenetic pace, Drey's intelligence shines through as he eagerly dissects arguments and propels conversations forward with his insatiable thirst for knowledge.

In the midst of dialogue, Drey's hyperactive behaviors and attention difficulties manifest in constant movement and rapid speech. He effortlessly navigates through various topics, leaving no room for monotony as he explores new ideas and challenges conventional thinking with his direct and incisive mannerisms. He tends to get bored if you can't get straight to the point and catch his interest.


On the other hand, Zahira Aimilios embodies a more composed yet equally passionate energy. While sharing her partner's fervor for intellectual discourse, Zahira's demeanor exudes a calm and collected presence, serving as a steady counterbalance to Drey's restless energy.


The two are often described to be akin to a hyperactive parrot and a relaxed hummingbird.


Other family: Tulok (Brother), Dior (Niece).

Both are between 500 and 550.
Drey is Male, Zahir is Female.
Both have Orange / Gold eyes.
Drey has no hair, Zahir has long hair tied into a bun.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Drey has greenis-blue skin, Zahir has varying shades of blue.
Drey is 6"ft, Zahir is 7'2"ft.
Other Affiliations
Founded Settlements


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