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“Our society is like a vast ocean, teeming with knowledge and discovery! The Clades are our guiding stars, each one a beacon of brilliance in its own right. Whether we're delving into the mysteries of movement or unravelling the secrets of meta magic, every Vedalken plays a vital role in the symphony of research and exploration. Together, we swim the currents of curiosity, driven by our passion to understand and improve the world around us!” --An overly excited Vedalken youth

Cnidaria is the largest Vedalken-built city, located in the Northern Courrain Sea centrally inbetween Saifhum, the Blood sea of Istar and Endscape Peninsula (See red triangle on the map). The city is named after the phylum containing corals, sea anemones, hydra’s, jellyfishes, and their relatives. It translates to the diverse ecosystem of a sea reef. This city is a wonder to behold, being located under the sea. Whether it be magic or practical, the city is built with a network of clear globes that prevent water from entering and allowing for Vedalkens to breathe and move freely. These globes contain towering spires of metal, polished crystals and walls of coral carved with pride. Several similarly constructed buildings fill the city, with plenty of displays, gardens and attractions showing magic of all forms. Within the centre of this city system resides a menagerie and the main Clade labs. These labs are masterpieces of architecture, all having features relating to their respective areas of expertise.

Cnidaria is a city built to foster the research and culture of Vedalkens in secret, being entirely unreachable without the Vedalkens allowing it. Dargonesti are welcome within and are encouraged to mingle and partake with Vedalkens. Land-Dwellers are strictly banned, unless brought in for volunteer positions (in most cases, these volunteers do not leave the Clade after. Released volunteers will have their memories erased by Clade staff). The globes containing the city act as air and pressure chambers to comfortably accommodate the Vedalkens, specimens, volunteers and projects that can’t be done in wet environments.


The aristocrats solely live in Cnidaria, with the rest of the general population swapping between the Coral City, coastal surface cities and other Vedalken establishments.

The term “Vedalken” is a common word, and rarely used for Vedalkens to describe themselves. They prefer the term “Palikari”, meaning an individual in their prime or that has achieved something great beyond their years. It’s a metaphor to the growth of their society. This word is derived by the Vedalkens mother tongue, simply referred to as “Palikarish”, known in common as “Vedalken”.

Palikarish is a language reminiscent of Latin, containing a large range of bubbling sounds, clicks, hisses and whistles that can be utilised underwater. Their overall language is an extremely advanced variant of Elvish, containing a massive catalogue of words and their application. The language has 2 components, split by one being utilised out of the water, and the other in. Most Vedalkens speak Palikarish, even in the presence of non-Vedalkens. They often understand Dargonesti and interchange between the two. Most Vedalkens can speak a warbled common, but using common is frowned upon due to its limits, simplicity and connections to land-dwellers. Those Vedalkens who want to stand out will master Palikarish, then move on to mastering many other languages as a display of intelligence and willingness to learn from other cultures.

In General, Vedalkens wish to be left to their own devices in secret. They avoid any major dealings with surface dwellers, finding most of them as crude and simple. Since the cataclysm, they see the land-dwellers at fault. The Vedalkens will keep all land-dwellers away from Cnidaria, often redirecting and sinking ships that come too close. They will politely warn individuals who come to close to their research areas, although it isn’t common for Vedalkens to scare people away. They are incredibly capable of hiding their tracks and what they’ve done, so most land-dwellers have no clue they even exist. Land-dwellers are however allowed to go to the surface Vedalken towns, and the Vedalkens will welcome them with open arms. The Vedalkens are allies with the Dargonesti, with most Vedalkens having traces of Dargonesti blood. A decent portion of Vedalkens have Dimernesti blood, but they don’t tend to hold any connections to them outside of the ones living in Cnidaria. The Vedalkens are neutral with the Dimernesti. Other sea dwelling races are neutral with the Vedalkens, with trade and communications open to them and even living in the city. If these races request, the Vedalkens will leave them alone and not engage.

The exact number of Vedalkens are unknown, however, they are a relatively large group, not strictly limited to their city. The Vedalkens numbers have thrived since the cataclysm, as they have stayed away from war and focused on building their society. This, alongside with their reproduction with other sea elves, means they have been able to boost their population drastically. A number of these Vedalkens are artificial, having been created from the preserved DNA of deceased Vedalkens from the cataclysm. Birth is celebrated and welcomed, and often Vedalkens encourage one another to have big families. Whilst marriage is preferred, Vedalkens don’t mind individuals having children outside of marriage, as it increases population and mixes genetics outside of the main family lines. The Vedalkens wish to increase their population to the point that they’re able to create another city on Taladas, like Cnidaria. Cnidaria itself has a massive population, as Dargonesti, Dimernesti, Catacatlysmic Hybrids, Merfolk, Tritons, Gnomes, Volunteers (varying species) and recently, some Mahkwahb, are living and active there. The Vedalkens are also not opposed to allowing 'Wicked' or 'Evil' sea races such as the Lacedons into the city, however they are closely monitored and usually are invited in to complete duties then leave.


Daily Life

Most Vedalkens dwell in Cnidaria and it’s spheres. These spheres are referred to as biospheres. They connect the city to a number of underwater cave systems and ruins. Inside these biospheres, Cnidaria holds houses and buildings of all kinds. Vedalken houses tend to be similar to that of the Dargonesti’s. They’re constructed of sculpted coral, gems, metals and natural oceanic materials. Quartz is a particular favourite among the Vedalkens, as it provides a delicate but unique look. Their buildings are known for their tall spires and columns, intricate detail, symmetry, harmony and balance. Some Vedalkens love to linger around ruins of surface-built structures that fell into the sea during the cataclysm. Another feature of Cnidaria’s biospheres is their gardens that mimic real world biomes. Most famous is their bioluminescent reef in the city center, alongside with their specimen garden and Clades. These two gardens are on top of each other, giving the look of an hourglass, with the bioluminescent garden below the Clades, and the specimen garden above.

Whatever the composition of Cnidaria’s dwellings, most are set up with purposefully placed furniture. The Vedalkens avoided clutter, and made sure that dwellings were not overdecorated. Their furniture was simple, elegant and tasteful. Household items were made for use and comfort rather then decoration. The Vedalkens did appreciate the beauty of nature and art however, often extending this to furniture design. Woods, corals, glass and other extravagant materials were often used. They would often focus on utilising carving and inlays to advance the appearance of their interiors. This would lead to their dwellings often being works of art in their own right, unique and balanced.

Tapestries woven of sea-plants, jewel-encrusted sea shells, ceremonial weapons and knickknacks were often seen in Vedalken dwellings. These are homage to the Dargonesti’s own, and the Vedalkens use a similar style of weaving to create them. Pottery and sculpture weren’t uncommon either for Vedalkens, and were unique to the crafter who created them. Some homes are home to specimens that the house owners have grown fond of, allowing them to roam the house or areas designed for them. It is not unusual to enter a Vedalken’s home and be greeted by an obscure creature that expects a treat. These animals often double as research specimens and are trained to guard.

As far as personal decoration, the Vedalkens wear sheer and flowing clothing spun from the most delicate plants and materials. Oftentimes, their wardrobe primarily consisted of the chiton, peplos, himation and chlamys. They would adorn these with cloths, drapes, belts, jewellery and corals. Oftentimes, a Vedalkens outfit will have plenty of hidden details even with its simplicity. Headpieces and décor were used to accentuate the facial markings and features of the wearer. Most Vedalkens wore sandals, or no shoes at all.

Many Vedalkens made jewellery made from polished seashells, finely sculpted pieces of coral, gems and metal. The jewellery is incredibly intricate and unique, often being intertwined with organic materials representative of the individual and their interests. Often times, simple facial jewellery and veils were used. Piercings, bangles, bracelets and ankles were popular too. A popular practice was to get gems encrusted into an individual’s skin, with it being viewed as a test of patience and devotion.

Makeup was also loved by Vedalkens, with many highlighting their eyes and unique markings. Lipstick, nail polish and eyeliners were favourites. It wasn’t uncommon for Vedalkens to dye their hair and wear wigs, though many preferred to remain hairless and/or keep their hair short. Life under the sea certainly offers a different sort of daily existence than life on Krynn’s surface. Whilst the amphibious nature of Vedalkens warrant them spending time on land, they will always favour under the sea. This means that they’re often faced with unique problems and demands, and are everchanging and adapting.


Vedalken Weekly Rituals

Vedalkens tend to have weekly rituals, rather then daily. Oftentimes, Vedalkens will encourage families to discuss their new findings and interests in the mornings. At the end of the week, families would be given a chance to talk to the aristocrats about the most interesting things mentioned in these daily meetups. This would be an exciting time for them, as it was an opportunity to scout new talents and to learn more about one another. After these talks, the aristocrats would give a monthly challenge for families to partake in and complete, doing weekly check ins. These challenges took the form of creative problems, such as solving issues or creating a new item or method. The winning families would be rewarded by the ‘Speaker of Spirits’, though the prize is secret and those who win have an oath to keep it silent. Rumour has it that it could be a consultation with the spirits of nature’s themselves, a rare opportunity.

Once the morning meetings and talks between family were exchanged, they would disband and go to their respective Clade or job for the day. Once done, they were free to go on about their day and night as they see fit. Oftentimes, celebrations, exhibits and markets were put out at night as a farewell to the standard routine of the day.


Vedalken Occupations

The average Vedalken will assist in the care of Cnidaria and it’s residents. Whilst the Clades are large and require plenty of workers, they are exclusive and a feat to get into. Those who don’t go into these fields will often become crafters, artificers, farmers, fauna breeders, security. The Vedalken diet is omnivourous, with them consuming various plants, fish and land dwelling creatures. Out of respect to their Dargonesti allies, they will only eat sea life that isn’t considered sentient by their standards. Oftentimes, Vedalkens love crustaceans and fish. Vedalkens have several farms both in and out of the water for flora and fauna, often pairing with Dargonesti farmers and sharing their technology, people and resources.

The other trades that Vedalkens specialise in are plentiful. Two favourites are the artificer and crafting fields (smithing, carpenters, couturiers, etc). Vedalkens are tinkerers and creators at heart, and love to learn and make. They will create items and devices out of organic materials for a wide range of uses. These items are often used in everyday Vedalken society practically or for fun, but they do open trades for them. Vedalken goods are incredibly unique, having an organic feel, simplicity and elegance to them that you can’t find anywhere else.

Vedalkens tend to see fighting as unnecessary, but they know better then to completely disregard it. Many of them are trained in different forms of combat for a variety of situations. Most popular are the protectors of field researchers, Cnidaria and the land settlements. The fighters of the Vedalkens are a sight to behold to anyone, having a striking aura and presence that can unnerve even the toughest of opponents. These fighters are trained to fight elegantly and creatively, and are incredibly observant in battle. They focus on dodging and analysing fights to find solutions, rather then brute strength. This profession is well respected, and often one most Vedalkens enter at some point.

Much of Vedalken culture leans on the Clades and supporting them and their endevours. Those who work at the Clades often acts as researchers, scientists and field researchers. They specialise in an array of fields, often having a main focus. Often times, the field researchers are the Cataclysmic Hybrids. Other jobs in the Clades include keepers, gardeners, cleaners, teachers and scribers.

Alongside with the Clades cultural signifance, Vedalkens love music, poetry, drama and writing. They have a biosphere devoted purely to the arts and theatre, often using it as a public speaking place. Whilst this is the best area to see this side of Vedalken culture, performers can be seen in all areas of Cnidaria. Oftentimes, Vedalkens will encourage other sea-dwellers to visit and enjoy performances. Their stories often focus on the beauty of creation and their own fictional mythos. This mythos has a complicated but fun story, following a similar path to Krynn’s own creation and development with creative twists. These theatre performances are beloved by Vedalkens for their layers of reality and unique delivery of real-world events. In rare cases, the aristocrats will perform and deliver these shows alongside with actors and have some fun. Most Vedalkens will happily recite these stories and performances.

Vedalken poetry often centers around epics, and has a very specific niche in their society. Majority of Vedalkens find them amusing, but will endure them for their Dargonesti friends.

Writing is a massive part to all Vedalkens life. They will gladly write daily, often times having a journal entry for every day. They utilise coral and stone tablets, waterproof inks and scrolls. There are many locations to read from, and plenty of books on every topic. Most Vedalkens have a room dedicated to books in their home. Cnidaria has an impressive library that is accessible to all within the city gates. The Vedalkens will happily send out books to their other settlements, and encourage sharing and talk. A Vedalken is guaranteed to have at least a hundred books and/or scrolls, even on the most mundane things. Most books are accessible to the public, but the aristocrats and clades do have restricted documents based on their research and magic.

During the day, young Vedalkens are sent to learn with the Clade teachers, their families and their friends. They will be taught about life in the Clades and what’s new, general science, botany, zoology, reading and writing, magic, crafting and general creation. History is vitally important too, with Vedalkens being blunt and honest with how they view certain events and what happened. Few events are intentionally changed by them, as they see an honest and flawed history is better to learn then a biased lie.

Surprisingly, Vedalkens are not gifted with the ability to trance in place of sleep. They require sleep, though less then the average land-dweller. When most creatures are sleeping, Vedalkens will spend times indoors or during the after hour markets with their families.

Though the Vedalkens do have their own army, all capable indivudiauls are encouraged to practice combat and drills in case of emergency. The aristocrats will only make it required if they suspect war is brewing. The Vedalken army consists of many, but most don’t actively act in an army and rather have it as a secondary position. Several of the Cataclysmic Hybrids are full time army members and/or fighters, and are trained to gather and command the casual army members in times of need. The Vedalkens refusal to take part in war is a huge factor in why the army isn’t active, but can be put together if needed.


Vedalken Marriage

“A Vedalken marriage is not merely the joining of two souls, but the weaving of a tapestry, intricate and sacred, where each thread represents a vow, each knot a promise, and each colour a shared destiny” --Excerpt from a witness.

Marriages among the Vedalkens are revered as sacred unions orchestrated by the spirits of Krynn. They stand as a pinnacle of life, uniting souls, families, and communities in a harmonious bond. Viewed as a solemn pact lasting across seven lifetimes, marriage is not merely a union of two individuals but a convergence of destinies orchestrated by the divine. Guided by the Speaker of Spirits, who assigns a celestial patron to each newly formed alliance based on the royal horoscope, marriage is represents both spiritual and societal significance, enriching the fabric of Vedalken society through each union.

The path to marriage for Vedalkens begins with the onset of maturity at the age of 36, marking the commencement of serious courtship around the age of 40. This courtship period typically spans 5 to 10 years, followed by a 36-month betrothal phase. While these timelines are customary, exceptions are made for individuals with shorter lifespans due to genetic or health considerations. Polyamory is allowed, but the couple must come forth and present absolute proof to the Speaker that they are capable of having an additional member in their marriage.

Arranged marriages are the primary mode of Vedalken unions, often facilitated by pre-wedding ceremonies orchestrated by the families of prospective brides and grooms.. These ceremonies, whether conducted through familial connections or professional matchmakers emphasise the importance of compatibility. Even in the context where the couples who are going for a love marriage, the two families are to be introduced to each other and agree upon the finer points of the impending union. Once the match is deemed suitable, families convene to finalise the wedding arrangements during an engagement ceremony, marked by the exchange of symbolic gifts tailored to each family's expertise or trade – E.g. Jewellers will provide jewellery, farmers will provide livestock and produce, etc.. This ceremony, while symbolising the acceptance of the union, also sets the stage for the forthcoming wedding festivities.

A significant interlude between the engagement and wedding day involves separate worship rituals conducted by both families, paying homage to the spirits of Krynn and relevant deities. These rituals seek blessings from the spirits of Krynn through the Speaker of Spirits, who acts as a conduit for the divine. , The Speaker will conduct a horoscope matching ritual – If the stars of both parties match, they are deemed compatible and the Speaker gives both families their blessing.. Following the rituals, intricate henna designs, reflecting the combined birth skin patterns of the families, are applied to the bride and groom, varying in complexity based on social status. The ensuing celebration brings both families together, fostering camaraderie through song, dance, and mutual acquaintance. The date of the wedding is decided on the day of the engagement ceremony. Generally, there is a gap of a few months between the engagement and the wedding for the families to prepare for the big day.

The wedding ceremony is an extravagant ordeal. Hosted by the bride's parents at the esteemed Cnidaria Mandapa, the event unfolds as a narrative of union and spiritual alignment. The Cnidaria Mandapa is located the cities largest Bioluminescent Garden. Weddings are themed to the stars and their light. The Mandapa has a fire pit in the centre.

The whole wedding ceremony depicts a story of the first meeting of the bride and the groom, the bride’s parents giving her away to a worthy individual, the couple committing to each other in front of a sacred fire followed by the couple taking the seven vows of commitment to the marriage, and finally, friends and family blessing the newly wedded couple. A skilled weaver, guided by the Speaker, begins weaving a tapestry depicting the events of the ceremony, integrating the spirit assigned to the couple with a mysterious material that reveals the hidden spirit within the tapestry as the couples blood mingles with the fabric.

The groom arrives at the bride’s house, and he is welcomed by the bride’s parents first with an plate adorned with different symbolistic items and lighted wicks. The plate includes multiple items symbolising different elements: Each element—space (Yak-tail fan), wind (Peacock fan), fire (lamp, candle and/or lighted wicks), water (water and a silky cloth), and earth (flowers, coral, bones and/or gems) —is invoked, infusing the atmosphere with sacred energy. The groom is then fed a special brew crafted the brides family. Before he arrives at the mandapa, administers a symbolic incision to the groom's hands, sealing them with a mystical paste crafted and gifted by the Speaker. This paste changes the colour of the individuals blood to a black and sparkly hue. The bride arrives at the mandapa and the couple are able to see each other.

The father of the bride then gives her away to the groom. The left hand of the bride is placed on the groom’s right hand and the bride’s parents utter the following words while giving her away ‘Today, the bride is the Sun and the groom is the Moon. By joining their hands in marriage, we will repay the debt to our forefathers by continuing the next life cycle.’ To Vedalkens, this act is considered one of the noblest acts of offering that a person can perform and by doing it the parents of the bride are absolved of all their bad karmas. The groom accepts the bride’s hand, and they promise each other that while pursuing a life of success, prosperity and knowledge, they will remain faithful to each other.

At the crescendo of the ceremony, the sacred fire is lit at the centre of the wedding mandapa and is regarded as the prime witness of the marriage rituals. The couple feed an array of dishes and offerings to the fire as offering and prays to the spirits for children, wealth, prosperity, long and healthy lives. The Speaker cuts the bride's palms, applying the sacred paste to the wounds. The Speaker will take the Weaver’s tapestry, making an incision to the brides hand. They will place the bride and groom hand in hand. The couple will have their hands bound with the tapestry, where their blood will mix and soak into it. The bound couple will then dance seven circles around the Sacred Fire, uttering the promise to each other to be eternal partners and complement each other in life’s journey. At the end of the seventh circle the bride moves to the left side of the groom indicating that she is now part of his life. The final most important ritual is the Seven Sacred Vows. The bride takes seven symbolic steps while pushing a stone along the floor with her left foot while the groom assists her. They reiterate the aspirations of their married life as each step signifies a specific promise that the couple make to each other which are as follows:

  • • First step: To respect and honour each other.
  • • Second step: To share each other’s joy and sorrow.
  • • Third step: To trust and be loyal to each other.
  • • Fourth step: To cultivate appreciation for knowledge, values, sacrifice and service.
  • • Fifth step: To appreciate purity of emotions, love, family duties and spiritual growth.
  • • Sixth step: To follow principles of the Vedalkens, their Clades and the Spirits.
  • • Seventh step: To nurture an eternal bond of friendship and love.

Upon completing the ritual, the Speaker unbinds their hands and presents the tapestry infused with their essence, revealing the spirit assigned to bless their union. Following the ceremony, a specialised Biomancer is tasked with immortalising the union through permanent henna markings, intricately designed to incorporate the essence of the assigned spirit. The newlyweds then seek blessings from elders, friends and families.

Following the nuptials, the couple partakes in post-wedding rituals, including the welcoming of the bride at the groom's house and a joyous reception. As the bride bids farewell to her familial home, she symbolically casts handfuls of treasures over her shoulder, signifying the end of her debt to her parents and invoking blessings for abundance. Upon arrival at the groom's house, she is welcomed with ceremonial rituals, symbolising her role as a harbinger of prosperity to her new family.

Vedalkens’s follow the Whitemoon honeymoon tradition of the Dargonesti. This period occurs immediately after the post-ceremony festivities end.

While Vedalken marriages are considered indissoluble due to the blood binding ritual, conflicts may arise, necessitating intervention from the Speaker to facilitate an amicable separation. Despite the dissolution of the marital bond, the parties involved remain interconnected, sharing privileges and responsibilities, particularly in matters concerning children. The Speaker strives to mediate disputes and ensure civility, upholding the sanctity of the union while acknowledging the need for resolution. Despite the dissolution of the marital bond, the shared lineage and heritage will persist no matter the outcome, and the two will always be bound in the eyes of Vedalken law.


Vedalken society has always been closely in tune with the Dargonesti society. The Vedalkens have a group system like that of the Dargonesti, though theirs is based on ‘Clades’. The Clades are defined as groups focused on research in specific areas. Alongside with these clades, the society runs as an aristocracy. These clades are research departments run by the society’s aristocrats, with every Vedalken being involved in some way. Professions outside of these clades often include farming, trading and tasks that improve the economy and enjoyability of their society.

Each Clade is headed by an aristocrat. These aristocrats are exceptional individuals, who have greatly contributed to society. The Clades and their aristocrat representatives, as listed below:

  • The Xanderreefs, ‘The Hull Clade’. Focused on protection and durability.
  • The Galenos, ‘The Guardian Clade’. Focused on creating super soldiers and enhancing life forms.
  • The Sapientis, ‘The Crypsis Clade’. Focused on intelligence and counterintelligence.
  • The Aimilios, ‘The Fin Clade’. Focused on all things related to movement.
  • Bamadhajs, ‘The Gyre Clade’. Focused on cyclical patterns and metamagic.
  • The Kewaldeeps / Govindarams, ‘The Independence Clade’. Focused on independent research in all areas outside of the other clades.

The aristocrats will gather every 36 days, coinciding with the Dargonesti’s gatherings. These meetings are referred to as ‘Clade Sanctions’. These meetings are pre-sided by the ‘Speaker of Spirits’. During these sanctions, the aristocrats discuss their new findings, air their grievances, raise issues, request aid, etc. Any disputes between Aristocrats are to be resolved in these meetings. The aristocrats also set trade tariffs, alliances and boundaries for surface dwellers and other seafolks. Inter-Clade issues are decided by consensus, with the ‘Speaker of Spirits’ having the final say in all matters, as well as the ability to override any decisions.

The aristocrats often follow this sanction with festivities inspired by that of the Dargonesti, no matter the outcome. These events highlight the culture of the Vedalkens and their research, with feasts, exhibits and celebrations.

The ‘Speaker of Spirits’, so named so because the individual who holds it can communicate and harness the spirits of nature that roam Krynn. These spirits are consulted when the Vedalkens make major plans, as they believe the spirits hold the most power and wisdom. They are seen as a force that can guide the Vedalkens and their endeavours. The title is hereditary, being exclusive to the royal bloodline: The spirits are contacted and tracked through a horoscope artefact that the first recorded member of the royal bloodline: The Xanderreefs. Exceptions can be made if the Xanderreef’s lose the ability, however. In this case, the aristocrats will elect the ‘Speaker of Spirits’ by consensus, the candidate usually being an individual who has done great deeds for the Clades. They will be gifted an artificial way to communicate with spirits, until the Xanderreefs loss of abilities is resolved. As of now, Cairo Xanderreef acts as the ‘Speaker of Spirits’.

The Clades choose an aristocrat from the respective bloodline who is usually the eldest, though exceptions are made if there is an outstanding individual who is younger. There is no gender bias to who can ascend to the aristocrat position.


Though the Vedalkens do have their own army, all capable indivudiauls are encouraged to practice combat and drills in case of emergency. The aristocrats will only make it required if they suspect war is brewing. The Vedalken army consists of many, but most don’t actively act in an army and rather have it as a secondary position. Several of the Cataclysmic Hybrids are full time army members and/or fighters, and are trained to gather and command the casual army members in times of need. The Vedalkens refusal to take part in war is a huge factor in why the army isn’t active, but can be put together if needed.

Additionally, the Guardian Clade works to create super soldiers for the military. The Hull Clade also has a focus on defence, helping to create security measures for the city.

Industry & Trade

The secretive nature of the Vedalkens warrants several questions on how exactly they trade. For such an advanced and progressive society, trade is imperative. Vedalkens however have navigated their potential problems with trading by having a trusted middleman trading company - the Maritime Cabotage Guild, simply MCG in common. This company acts as a go-between between the Vedalkens and outside species in the blood sea isles and the coasts of Ansalon. This middle-man company is the only party that has direct communication with the Vedalkens in Cnidaria. Most surprising is the fact that the Vedalkens trusted Gnomes with this responsibility!


Cairo was only 60 (equivalent to 16 human years) when the Cataclysm struck, devastating Corallocaedes. Corallocaedes was a more coast-based city rather than the current Vedalken city of Cnidaria (which sits deep in the ocean), meaning it was hit hard by the Cataclysm. In the event, Cairo lost most of his family and a large portion of the Vedalken population. The most devastating loss was that of his father, Morrigan Xanderreef, who left the safety of the Vedalken shelters to save Asherah, who was missing in action in Taladas. Morrigan was subsequently killed in the aftermath of the burning mountain falling on Istar and the destruction of Taladas, and Asherah was presumed dead as well.

As the sole surviving Xanderreef, Cairo became the last of his bloodline. Morrigan left Cairo his spellbook, the Codex of the Speakers. This ancient book, passed down from Adelio Xanderreef (3600 PC – 2645 PC) to each Speaker of Spirits, contained vast amounts of knowledge, including spells, magical and scientific discoveries, and history. Only a Xanderreef could use the text, making it an essential tool for Cairo. It would be instrumental in restoring their society after the Cataclysm.

Prior to the event, the Vedalkens had anticipated the Cataclysm and received warnings from the spirits of Krynn. Whilst several shelters were made, there weren’t enough for all the Vedalkens in the case of a catastrophe. Resurrection and general Necromancy would be necessary, so Morrigan arranged to have numerous plans put in the place utilising his skillset. Once the Cataclysm occurred, he would need to use his magic and the Codex of Speakers to rebuild their society, communicating with the spirits of Krynn and utilising powerful magic that other casters could not. He did not communicate to the Aristocrats that he had been training Cairo, as he was too focused on preparing. Unfortunately, when the Cataclysm did occur, Morrigan decided to commit a selfless act of love and determination, which led to his untimely death before he could execute his plans.

In the absence of royalty, a Regent would typically be named by the aristocrats of Cnidaria. Initially, this role was expected to fall to a member of the Galeno family, but Cairo stepped up, asserting that his father had prepared him to take his place if necessary, much to the surprise of the Aristocrats who had not been warned. There was some hesitation from the surviving aristocrats due to Cairo's youth and specialisation in Enchantment rather than Necromancy, so he argued passionately for his right to lead. He emphasised his unique ability to use the Codex of Speakers, which was what was planned to be used to restore Vedalken society, a task that required royal blood, and his refusal to pass its secrets to others.

Cairo’s argument was compelling: only he could perform the necessary spells to rebuild their society, and he was determined to honour his father's legacy and protect their people. His intelligence, charm, and strategic thinking convinced the aristocrats, and he was crowned the Speaker, tasked with restoring his people. This caused some tension with the Galeno family, however his argument was sound, so they ended up accepting his appointment. Alongside with his role as Speaker, he was officially appointed the lead Aristocrat of the Hull Clade.

Cairo worked tirelessly with the Vedalkens over the next few years, dedicating himself to rebuilding their society from the ground up. His mother, Asherah, eventually returned much to his delight and surprise, having survived the Cataclysm, and assisted in the efforts. She had been caught in the destruction of Taladas, but somehow, managed to survive. She had been assisting the Dargonesti with rebuilding and helping their allies, and now had come back to assist with the Vedalkens. She was surprised to hear of Morrigan’s death, as it was out of character for a Necromancer to simply die – especially one as powerful as Morrigan. She raised concerns that he may have faked his death or become some horrible undead monster such as a Lich or Mummy Lord to preserve his life. Cairo dismissed her concerns (He’d find out nearly 350 years later that Morrigan had indeed become a lich). Cairo, after discussing with Asherah, instead refocused her on helping their efforts to rebuild after the Cataclysm. Asherah ended up facilitated an alliance with the Dargonesti, allowing Cairo to move the ruins of Corallocaedes from the coast and establish a temporary settlement and Clade labs in the ocean near the Blood Sea of Istar, known as the Coral City. With the Clades operational, they began rebuilding Cnidaria in the deep ocean rather than along the coast. Cairo ordered for Corallocaedes to be destroyed, leaving a monument for the fallen there. Once Cnidaria was complete, most of the Vedalkens moved to the city, with the Coral City remaining on the outskirts outside of the new establishment. Some Vedalkens chose to stay behind with some of the Dargonesti to settle, and the Coral City became a place for the more traditional and low-class citizens to live, being titled Cnidaria’s Slum. Whilst most Aristocrats frown upon the Slums, Cairo frequently visited and supported the community, often scouting for talent. Cairo also had the mage tower of Cnidaria raised in the city, as he had been cautious of creating one anywhere else as he didn’t want to deal with the land mage towers and mages trying to regulate what the Vedalkens were doing. The final major thing he did was introduce gnomes as part of Cnidaria’s trading system, integrating them into Cnidaria’s society. Gnomes and Vedalkens complimented each other well, leading to collaborations outside of trade too.

As a ruler, Cairo's decisions were guided by what was best for his people. His father's emphasis on preparing for catastrophe led him to prioritise the greater good over individual needs, sometimes causing tension within certain groups. His leadership style was strategic and authoritative, capable of making decisive and occasionally harsh decisions. He valued balance, ensuring no single force or faction became too powerful, and distributed resources to the Clades to encourage cooperation rather than competition. Cairo's neutral alignment and ethical flexibility allowed him to adapt his moral standards based on context, understanding that rigid morality could lead to failure or greater harm. He was also known for his practical approach, prioritising survival and stability over idealistic goals.

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