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Drystan & Cadoc Govindaram

Drystan and Cadoc Govindaram, the heads of the Independence Clade, are renowned for their pioneering independent research across various fields, often tackling problems that the other Clades cannot.  

Drystan, who oversees most field teams, is a colorful figure both literally and figuratively. Due to a failed experiment, his skin displays a vibrant sheen that changes with his mood. This physical quirk, paired with his dynamic personality, makes him a notable figure within Vedalken society. He's known for his enthusiasm and deep curiosity, always eager to dive into new and uncharted areas of research.


Cadoc, on the other hand, runs the general labs and is the more grounded of the two. His head is adorned with ridges and spikes, which he decorates with gems, further setting him apart visually. While he shares Drystan's enthusiasm for discovery, Cadoc’s approach is more methodical and structured. Together, they form a complementary duo, balancing innovation with practicality, and their collaborative efforts have led to significant advancements for Vedalken society.

  Despite their lower standing in the aristocratic hierarchy, Drystan and Cadoc are passionate about their research. Their contributions often come from unexpected angles, providing fresh perspectives and innovative solutions. They are known for their open-mindedness and willingness to explore unconventional ideas, making them valuable assets to Vedalken society. They are also known to be more accepting and ethical compared to the other Clades.


Drystan and Cadoc's interactions with the Speaker are marked by mutual respect and a shared commitment to advancing Vedalken knowledge. While they may not always align with Cairo's methods or perspectives, their diverse approaches often lead to fruitful discussions and breakthroughs. Their willingness to challenge norms and think outside the box complements Cairo's more structured and strategic mindset, creating a dynamic and productive relationship. In aristocratic gatherings, Drystan and Cadoc's voices add a layer of complexity to the discussions. Their insights, while sometimes overlooked, push the boundaries of conventional thinking and encourage their peers to consider alternative viewpoints. Their presence ensures that the aristocracy remains open to innovation and continuous improvement, even if it means stepping out of their comfort zones.


Ultimately, Drystan and Cadoc's role in Vedalken society is indispensable. Their dedication to independent research and their ability to see potential where others may not ensure that Vedalken society continues to evolve and adapt in an ever-changing world. Their unique traits and approaches make them stand out, reminding their peers of the importance of diversity in thought and action within the aristocracy.


The two are known to be friendly with Alpheidae, as he's a bit of an oddball and tends to be more progressive and rebellious then most within their society. Additionally, Alpheidae tended to stray into random fields of research as part of his monstrosity research outside of his own Clades. He also did numerous favours for the pair.


Other family: Many - most sit outside of the Clade and live in other areas of the city, including Cnidaria's Coral City.

Current Location
Male and Male.
Varying shades of blue.
Drystan has long white hair, and Cadoc is bald.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Drystan's Skin is a greenish tinge, shifting to vibrant colours and Cadoc's is blue.
Drystan is 6'3"ft, Cadoc is 6'8"ft.
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements


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