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Icereach is located to the far south of Ansalon and is a desolate frozen region which is comprised chiefly of a monstrous glacier. The only point further to the south in all of Krynn, is the frigid realm of Chorane. The region is covered in ice and chilly winds, which constantly blow throughout the entire area. Long ago it was fought over between human barbarian tribes, thanoi and a great force of ogres. However the ogre nation of Suderhold fell apart long ago, and the area has since been fought over between Thanoi (walrus men), ice barbarians, and White Dragons. Dwellings are few and far between throughout all of Icereach. There are two Human civilizations of Icereach, the most numerous and more friendly on the two is the Arktos who are referred to as "Icefolk" by outsiders.


The region of Icereach was born out of the pre-Cataclysmic Kingdom of Icereach, and is all that is left of the once great and powerful nation. Before the Cataclysm, Icereach was not the frozen wasteland it became, but a barren and unforgiving land with short summers and long winters.


Icewall Glacier

Icewall Glacier covers an area extending hundreds of miles east and west at the southernmost edge of Ansalon. The Icewall itself, a mighty rampart of snow and ice upon the horizon, lends its name to the region around it. Here the frozen fortress of IcewallCastle holds the secrets of the White Dragon Highlord Feal-Thas and his many minions.

The ever-present wind takes on a chill edge here; snow and ice coat the landscape to the horizon. Huge blocks of ice rise from the glacier surface, and occasionally large snowdrifts swell from the ground. No birds fly over this barren region, no animal life can be seen on the surface of the ice. Only the wind, strong and unceasing, lends movement to your surroundings.

Other than the cold, Icewall Glacier has one major hazard — snow-covered crevasses, treacherous areas of ice where the snow has bridged a deep gap in the glacier’s surface. A typical crevasse on Icewall Glacier is between 20 and 200 feet deep and between 20 and 1000 feet long, and easily wide enough for any creature to fall in.

Travel across Icewall Glacier is slow. Over 95% of the surface is an ice sheet, which is slippery and easy to lose one’s footing upon. The only reliable methods of travel across the ice sheet are the iceboats of the Ice Folk or the polar bear- drawn sleds of the thanoi.In some places, vast drifts of snow blanket the ice, or chunks of superhardened ice litter the landscape. These terrain types also impair movement, even iceboats, although thanoi sleds may traverse snow fields without penalty.


Iceboat Wreckage

The wreckage of an iceboat, destroyed by a Thanoi ambush. The splintered end of a long mast rose at an angle from the wreck, and a wooden hull was visible through the snow cover in several places. Two long pieces of wood lied nearby, and their purpose was not immediately apparent. They were as long as the mast, and had sharply bent ends and large brackets bolted to their sides. The bodies of the crew members littered the snow around the wreck, and 5 Thanoi were stationed there.

The party dispatched these Thanoi, seeking shelter from a snow storm that would have surely been their demise otherwise. During the storm, the party explored the ship, where they found the ship was used for a peat-gathering expedition by locals.


Icefolk Camp

Although the Ice Folk are nomadic, they often settle in one place for nearly a year, until the fish supply in nearby waterpools reaches dangerously low levels. At this point the settlement is broken down and the whole tribe moves on to a new location. The easiest way to reach the camp is by iceboat. It is possible to reach it by traversing the glacier, although the weather conditions are typically poor.

The camp is situated just south of a huge crevasse, 12 miles long and 400 feet wide. Six hundred feet below the surface of the glacier the crevasse narrows to a dark crack that leads to a subglacial stream of icy water. The Ice Folk erected the primitive snow fence to the south of their camp, creating a sea of soft snow varying in depth from 10 to 20 feet. To the east lies a gentle downslope of glare ice, nearly a mile long. With just the slightest breath of wind, an iceboat can work up enough speed over this smooth run to race out onto the glacier within a few minutes of leaving the harbor. The camp is only vulnerable to attack from the east or west, and there are plans for both eventualities. Should an attack come from the east, people will board their boats and sail directly at the attackers. Should the assault come from the west, the camp proper will be abandoned and the warriors will make a stand on the harbor wall.

At one point, the White Dragon army's forces attacked the ice village, where the party assisting in holding down fort and fending enemies off. They were able to successfully guard the retreat of the villagers, allowing for the icefolk people to escape whilst the towns gaurds fended off the enemies. The attack was led by the Chieftain, Harald.



Rising from the ragged expanse of the glacier, the Icewall is a ridge that runs hundreds of miles east to west. It looms over the rest of the glacier like a storm cloud. Atop the Icewall is the castle that bears its name.


Icereach is colder than the Plains of Dust, and likely the coldest region the party have ever visited. During the middle of the day, the temperature is at or below freezing (between 20 and 30 degrees F) with wind chill occasionally dropping that by at least 10 degrees; these are categorized as cold conditions. Any unprotected characters (without winter clothing or furs) that remain outside at this time will have to try to resist the cold or be limited by its effects. Nighttime temperatures become even worse, requiring far more frequent checks to resist the cold.

Fauna & Flora

Icereach is a desolate landscape of snow, ice, and bitter winds. Crevasses, sleet storms, sheets of ice, and frozen lakes make this region largely inhospitable to even the barbarians of the Plains of Dust. The Ice Folk are the only humans hardy enough to survive here; their enemies, the thanoi, are their rivals for the precious resources essential for survival.

Included Locations
Inhabiting Species


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