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Morrigan Xanderreef

Morrigan Xanderreef

Morrigan Xanderreef was once a revered Speaker, a position that required both political acumen and deep magical expertise. As a necromancer, Morrigan specialized in manipulating the forces of death and the undead, skills that made him a figure of both awe and fear. He had a preference to using his understanding of death to create and manipulate life. His mastery over necromancy was not merely for personal gain but was deeply integrated into his political strategies and his vision for the future of Vedalken society. He used his powers to maintain control, influence outcomes, and secure his place among the highest echelons of the aristocracy.


On one hand, Morrigan was a master of necromancy, possessing a profound understanding of life, death, and the arcane intricacies of his craft. His intellectual pursuits were characterised by a precise, deliberate nature, evident in his careful manipulation of magical energies and the rigorous application of his knowledge. He approached his necromantic experiments with the same careful consideration and scholarly rigor that one might expect from a renowned academic. His presence in the room commanded attention, not just through his formidable power but also through the air of confidence he carried. This side of Morrigan was focused and intensely serious, driven by a desire to explore and master the boundaries of life and death.

However, Morrigan’s personality was not solely defined by his intellectual pursuits. His mannerisms and public persona reflected a more flamboyant, sleazy and self-centered side. He often engaged in grandiose displays of confidence, sometimes bordering on arrogance. His charm was undeniable, with a tendency to bask in the attention and admiration of those around him. Morrigan was prone to dramatic gestures and expressive speech, often weaving elaborate narratives about his achievements and visions. This side of him reveled in the spotlight, enjoying the adulation and the impact of his words and actions on others.

His interactions were marked by a duality that could shift rapidly, moving from intense focus on his necromantic studies to engaging in self-indulgent displays of personal grandeur.


The cataclysm marked a significant turning point in Morrigan’s life. His disappearance, presumed dead by many, was shrouded in mystery. While some believed he perished in the chaos, others speculated about his true fate due to the nature of his magic and disappearance. His absence created a power vacuum that led to significant upheaval within the Vedalken society. This disappearance has become a subject of intense speculation among those who remember his reign. Some believe that Morrigan might have survived in some form, possibly hidden away or in a state of suspended animation, waiting for the right moment to return.


Morrigan’s legacy is complex. He was a figure who pushed the boundaries of magical practice, often clashing with those who held more conservative views on the ethics of necromancy. His methods were bold, his goals grandiose, and his impact undeniable. The remnants of his influence continue to shape the political landscape of Vedalken society, as his actions before the cataclysm set the stage for many of the conflicts and challenges that followed, especially for his son Cairo Xanderreef.


Morrigan Xanderreef


Towards Asherah Tidebreaker


Asherah Tidebreaker


Towards Morrigan Xanderreef


448 at time of Death
Date of Death
Assumed 0 AC
Circumstances of Death
Assumed dead after getting caught in the shockwave after the meteor hit Istar.
Corallocaedes (Pre-Cataclysm Vedalken City)
Place of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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