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On a major crossroads in a wide, fertile valley in the heart of Abanasinia sits the town of Solace—perhaps the most unique town on the continent of Ansalon. With only a few exceptions, all the businesses and dwelling places of Solace are built among the branches of mighty vallenwood trees.

The people of Solace are hale, hearty, and trustworthy folk who are generally open and polite to strangers, even in these strange times. In the shaded branches of the giant vallenwood trees, the townsfolk live in relative peace.

Solace was ostensibly under the control of High Theocrat Hederick of the Seekers religious sect. Behind the scenes, however, Fewmaster Toede pulled Hederick’s strings. Hederick apparently believed Toede and his hobgoblins were mercenaries protecting the town. In reality, they were advance scouts for the Dragonarmies. At Toede’s request, Hederick was searching for the Blue Crystal Staff. The Staff was found by Riverwind who later travelled with Goldmoon and the party.


Inn of the Last Home

The Inn of the Last Home is a tavern in Solace that is famous for its wonderful food and ale, as well as being the meeting place of the Heroes of the Lance. It has seen several owners and a number of incarnations, but is still one of the coziest and most welcome inns for anyone wandering through Abanasinia. The largest building in Solace, the Inn is about forty feet off the ground and can be reached by a staircase that winds around the trunk of the vallenwood in which it is built. Readily visible from the main road, the Inn has two stories - common room and kitchen on the main floor, sleeping rooms above. It is a lovely building with gabled roofs and stained glass windows. Stables are located beneath the Inn for the convenience of the guests. The Inn is run by Otik Sandath, and Tika Waylan is one of the barmaids.


Town Square

Not so much a true town square as a large cleared area located between the intersections of several roads, this patch of land serves as a meeting place for the inhabitants of Solace. Here itinerant merchants set up market-stalls or park their wagons, traveling troupes of players give performances, and children and adults play at sports like goblin ball and kender keep-away. Celebrations such as Spring Dawning are also held here.


Theros Ironfeld's Smithy

Built of stone and located just off the Town Square, the smithy is one of the few buildings on ground level. The great bellows roar as the forge fire burns hot; the sounds of hammering and clanging can be heard throughout Solace.


The Trough

The Trough is a disreputable watering hole that caters to those who have nefarious business to conduct, those who would rather not show their faces in public, or those addicted to dwarf spirits. The Trough is built on the ground—since no one who has been drinking dwarf spirits should be climbing trees. Its signboard features a pig wallowing in swill. The tavern itself is a gray, V-shaped building wedged between the boles of two large vallenwoods. Visitors can reach the Trough without going through Solace proper. It is said of the Trough that “the barmaids are deaf, the tavernkeeper mute, and all of them are blind,” to better ensure the privacy of its patrons.

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