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The Maritime Cabotage Guild (MCG)

The secretive nature of the Vedalkens warrants several questions on how exactly they trade. For such an advanced and progressive society, trade is imperative. Vedalkens however have navigated their potential problems with trading by having a trusted middleman trading company. This company acts as a go-between between the Vedalkens and outside species in the blood sea isles and the coasts of Ansalon. This middle-man company is the only party that has direct communication with the Vedalkens in Cnidaria. Most surprising is the fact that the Vedalkens trusted Gnomes with this responsibility!

The gnomes of Ansalon are based in Mount Nevermore, but the Vedalkens offered some of them a place in their decoy coastal settlement to allow a base close to the blood sea of Istar. This area is of great interest for all who love magic and science, and the Vedalkens saw it as a fair trade off for assistance with trading. This is where the main trading of Vedalkens takes place, however, it’s masqueraded and carefully operated by the ‘decoy Vedalkens’ (Vedalkens who live on the settlement and don’t do anything too exceptional) and Gnomes. This, alongside with some other trusted sea elves and underwater characters who left their main societies, forms the trade company of the Vedalkens. Cairo Xanderreef, Aristocrat and Speaker of Spirits has left a polymorphed magical clone of himself in the settlement. He ensures the company works smoothly and maintains its illusion. He takes on the form of a gnomish women with bright, blood red hair and eyes, and an extra set of over-complicated mechanical arms. This alter ego is named Mohini, Momo as a nickname. Most of the individuals in the trade company are just as wacky, so his little deception is hardly noticed.

The trading company is known as the Maritime Cabotage Guild, simply MCG in common. The MCG acts as a general trading company, and their side hustle with the Vedalkens doesn’t arouse too much suspicion due to being covered by their general work. They are the only party with access to the Vedalkens, and constant monitoring from the Vedalkens means there’s little to no chance of others bypassing this. MCG has representatives and/or agents in the various ports and major cities of Ansalon (and locations beyond), where they negotiate deals and engage in trade with other species. All representatives and/or agents are handpicked by the aristocrats and face rigorous training, studying and a trial of tests to earn a place. These positions aren’t limited to just gnomes and undersea races however, with all being welcome if they succeed in passing the tests and meet the requirements. All members of the guild have a creature exclusive to a level of the sea biome food chain tattooed on their hand, with the type of creature corresponding with their respective position and specialty:

  • ‘Photoautotrophs’. These individuals have tattoos of Phytoplankton and Seaweed. These individuals are often just general helpers who help load and know nothing of the secret side of the MCG. Oftentimes they’re only working for a short amount of time to make some cash. Works exclusively with the general trade part of MCG and has nothing to do with the Vedalkens.
  • ‘Primary Consumers’. These individuals have tattoos of small Jellyfish, small fish, barnacles, molluscs, turtles and manatees. They are long term employees who are preparing to enter the next, more secretive rank. They often are the ones you find out and about and can talk to about opening trade with the company. They work mainly with the general trade part of MCG but are aware that they are training to enter a more secretive trading part.
  • ‘Secondary Consumers’. These individuals have tattoos of seals, sea stars, crustaceans, whales, squid and carnivorous fish. They have completed the process of training and being examined by the Aristocrats. They are permitted to help load and deliver to Cnidaria, though they aren’t allowed to enter the main part of the city. They mainly work with trading to Cnidaria but do some work with the companies general trading segment.
  • ‘Tertiary Consumers’. These individuals have tattoos of Apex Predators, dolphins, sharks, birds and killer whales. They are the highest ranking and are the representatives and/or agents of MCG. They are able to enter Cnidaria and are the ones who have full control of what happens with the company.

Oftentimes, individuals will start in the company and rise in position. In this case, their starting level tattoo is on their hand, then goes up to their arm. Their final tattoo will reach up to behind their arm, creating an impressive sleeve and neck tattoo design that shows their progression!

How do you open trade to the Vedalkens one may ask? If the Vedalkens don’t approach the interested party first, it becomes a complicated endeavour. In this scenario, MCGs secret trade side remains relatively unknown to most people. Only certain people or groups, such as sailors, traders, or explorers, would have heard rumours about the Vedalken and their hidden underwater city. These select few would know that the trading company is the only way to establish contact and trade with them due to suspicious activity observed - they’d recommend finding higher ranking members, such as the representatives and/or agents. The representatives and/or agents of MCG who deal with this are not easily accessible or contactable by the general public, however. Instead, to establish contact with the trading company for the purposes of trading with the Vedalkens, one would have to reach out to a trusted source (e.g., a pirate, a trusted trader, an ally to the Vedalkens, etc.) and ask for a favour. This trusted source would then either vouch for the interested party and allow them to set up a meeting with one of the representatives/agents of MCG or be a middleman themselves. Once interested parties have contacted the representatives and/or agents of MCG, they need to be approved by the Aristocrats - this is a lengthy process. Once approved, MCG will take the goods and wares, transporting them to the underwater Vedalken settlements, bringing them what they need and taking what they have to offer in exchange. The Vedalkens will discuss with the Gnomes running MCG on suitable payment for their work and assistance. Most of the time, the Vedalkens trade parts of their research, resources and technology that aren’t too critical or secret, and assist the gnomes in exploring dangerous areas of the Seas of Ansalon. This can be done with their technology or allowing the gnomes to work with the Cataclysmic Hybrids and field teams. In more serious trades, the Vedalkens have allowed certain gnomes to enter Cnidaria and access facilities. However, this is rare and most trades take place on their coastal settlement.

One question that resonates is simply, ‘Why gnomes?’. One would think the reserved nature of Vedalkens would mesh terribly with chatty and open gnomes. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Gnomes and Vedalkens both prize knowledge, discovery and have a natural curiosity about the world around them. Both societies highly value information and technology, which creates a natural synergy between them. Additionally, both the gnomes and the Vedalkens are known for their resourcefulness and ingenuity, which also helps facilitate their trading relationship. Interaction wise, Vedalkens are great listeners and don’t talk much about themselves, only their interests, so love hearing gnomes ramble about their findings! Gnomes habit of rambling and being cut off also means that on the off chance they do start to spill secrets, most people would tell them to shut up out of fear of being rambled at for an eternity about utter nonsense. Because of their similarities, Vedalkens do like gnomes, or at the very least respect them. They do find their technology over-complicated and strange however but leave the gnomes to their own devices. Some Vedalkens have attempted to point out this to gnomes, but often give up after being subjected to a million reasons as to why its necessary. Likewise, gnomes have critiqued Vedalkens for not having enough on their creations!

The Xanderreef Aristocrat and Speaker is notoriously fanatical about gnomes and has a habit of taking more interest in them than his actual duties as Speaker of Spirits. This is why he ended up creating a clone to allow him to manage both interests. His clone with the alter ego, Momo, has been working with MCG and away from Cnidaria for so long that he’s almost completely uninterested in the Vedalkens and their current society and doesn’t know too much. He will still work with them happily, but if you ask him about the current society, he’d scratch his head. Momo can be identified by her sleeve and neck tattoo, which includes a Peacock Mantis Shrimp & Eel fighting over decimated crustaceans. As of now, there’s 6 representatives operating including her. Cairo himself will occasionally drop in to see how trades are going, but he’s confident in his clone’s ability to manage so doesn’t see too much point. The Aristocrats of the ‘Independence Clade’ will also frequent MCG bases to gather research and talk to the resident gnomes about ideas for research.

The final thing one might wonder is what do the Vedalkens need to trade? To put it simply, they trade all sorts of things. Materials, Magical items and artifacts, Food, Supplies, General Goods, Creatures and Monsters… The list goes on! In the case of MCG being unable to trade with the Vedalkens, it wouldn’t be a major issue, as they’re self sufficient and MCG is more of a luxury and a way to make their lives easier and more streamlined. The biggest issue in the case of MCG withdrawing is communications being cut – as much as there’s magic and people you can send to deliver letters, its much easier and secure to use a postage service done through MCG!

MCG has access to several submarines available and cave systems specifically modified to allow fast and secret travel directly to Cnidaria and surrounding locations. Going through an MCG guildhouse is the main way to get to Cnidaria, as the pressure surroundign the city and depth of the city is unreachable to most. MCG will only take people down to the city with the apporval of Momo.



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