Nal Lenora

Nal Lenora

The majestic and enchanting capital of The Olm Dorei, the first settlement in Elanir that wasn't erected by the Dvarven nation The four kingdoms.


From a distance you can only see the green towers of Nal Lenoras peaking over the mountain ridge surrounding the city. At a closer distance it seems like the city itself is part of the natural formation and forest surrounding it. Much of the city constructed with such grace and elegance it hard to know what part is natural and what is handmade. Thus reflecting the carpentry, and woodworking skill of the Elves. Some of the bigger buildings outside the city walls and the defensive structrures are made of stone because of the straticic properties.

Noteworthy locations

The High Council of Olm Dorei
Deep within Nal Lenora lies a sacred grove. Within this groves does the High Council of Olm Dorei sit.


The population of a settlement is defined as the number of permanent citizens accounted for during the settlement's last census. It does not take into consideration itenerant visitors like travelling merchants, standing armies etc.


The city and the elven domains are governed by the The High Council of Olm Dorei.


Some say the city is enshroueed in a magical barrier. and anyone who isnt welcome and tries to enter the city just vaporizes. Some say the elven god is protecting the city. But in fact it is probably just that the wild forest and elements of the nature make the entrence hard to find and people simple dont know the way to the hidden entrence.

Industry & Trade

The Elves make make up their exports with wood and timber. Though the elves are very protective of their surrounding flora and fauna they rocognize they need to trade with the other nations. The wood they export is very sought after because of its characteristics. The wood is light yet hard. The wood is also very flame resistant, which means that every boatmaker throughout Elanir wants it for their boats. And the kings of Elanir pays a heft price for it since they want it for their battleships.
The elves only cut down a few selected trees every year though. This makes it very rare and expensive. There have been some attempts from the other races to harvest the wood on their own. While there are a few recorded cases they have succeded, they have not been succesfull in proccesing the wood in a satisfactory manner. Only the elves have the knowledge how to work with the wood. their woodworking skill is unmatched throughout Kuarilia.
Alternative Name(s)
Glimmering city,
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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