High High Priest of Zilla Rank/Title in Kulundo | World Anvil
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High High Priest of Zilla

the higsest priest of mango. and spiritual leader of the zilliean section of MJ  believers.. he sit at the top of the temple of MJ in mango smokiung and answering jointq and questions.


1. be a believer of Mj 2. work your rank up by good deeds 3. wait and have faith


a limited stonednesss


La ritual de la Droggo


. 2 be a beacon between worlds . 2 help MJ  in this region and report 2 her .2 help the weak 2. give smoke 2 the smokelessness


. protecting MJ reputation . helping the blind 2 smoke again . to help his fellow stoners in argument ore discusion


he has all the drugs he wants. also is he in a great political and  spiritual leader and there has many influce over all daily things.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Le Stone Stoned De La pärr The Holy Handgrenade The stinging roger of the (weeds character)

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

if the pope is dismissald there must be a anoniem vote of the COMS (the counsel of Mango Stoners). or he can stepp down from his position if he thinks that the best although it never happened in the entire stoners historie


the rebirth of the belief of mj

Cultural Significance

its more then a spiritual position for stoners. he is seen as a edtern arm of mj on kulundo other religion thi k of him as just an old spiritual leader
Religious, Special
The rollingpaper of MJ teachings
Form of Address
his highness
Alternative Naming
the protector of stoners.
Equates to
The trippy Cardinals Le Consengeur de droggo
Source of Authority
the drugusers and believers
Length of Term
until the can't doe the job properly
Current Holders
Reports directly to
Related Locations


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