Tempel of MJ Building / Landmark in Kulundo | World Anvil
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Tempel of MJ

Build in the year 0. it is know of its many pilgrims. The temple has fascinating objects of the past and present.

Purpose / Function

2 make offers 2 mj 2 smoke 2 think 2 discus 2 argument 2 be ugly


1 lvl and above its wall's are made of marble, the floor is made of black opium stone. The ceiling is open but you wouldn't notice becouse you cant see a thing with those smoke. -1 and les : you have your typical dungeon feeling


U can just walk in from the front of the temple.

Sensory & Appearance




Contents & Furnishings

A lot of drugs and stoners


A temple based on greek temple’s with pillars but than in a pyramid shape. At the entrance you are greeted by the feet’s of the great mj. Then the room is filled with smoke


The temple was build in 1 year after Mango started and had many upgrade's through the years. It's a pelgrimplace for religious stoners in the zillean kingdom and beyond.


many religious stoners visit the temple and leave offers at the feet from the statue
Founding Date
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Environmental Effects
Smoke is ur enviroment making it look like u are standing in an infinite white room.
Ruling/Owning Rank

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