The Thirsty Bones Iin & Restaurant Building / Landmark in Kulundo | World Anvil
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The Thirsty Bones Iin & Restaurant

A fine restaurant and inn located at the base of the pitoresque Booksquare. The inn is runned by a female elf named sula.
Parent Location
Menu Pottage, Mug of Beer (120 vloet) Stewed Cabbage, Mug of Beer (200 vloet) Salted Chicken and Dried Turnip, Tankard of Bitter (180 vloet) Stewed Cabbage, Mug of Perry (200 vloet) Smoked Oxen and Bitter Cheese, Tankard of Beer (256 vloet) Buckwheat Porridge, Mug of Beer (300 vloet) Boiled Pork and Curd Cheese, Tankard of Cider (777 Vloet)


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