Session 2: Into the Lionswood Report

General Summary

The Party finally ventures into the Lionswood, doing their best to guide Stillbright's cart through the rough terrain. Along the path, they encounter a small group of wolves, but are able to fend them off with little trouble.   Stillbright introduces the party to the idea of crafing weapons and armor using parts from the creatures that they've encountered, and over the next several days, he crafts new items for them. A wolf's bone rapier for Enoch, a wolf hide buckler for Elamen, and gauntlets with wolf tooth spikes for Toryn.   Near the exit from the Lion'swood, the party encounters Baron Hawke, leader of the outlaw band known as the Hawkescowl. He introduces himself, and invites the party back to camp, where they learn that the acting Duke of Timber's Bend, Duke Johann has been taxing the region's people into poverty while his brother, Duke Rykard has been out west, serving The First Bulwark in a battle against hordes of the undead. Hawke warns the party not to stay long in Timber's Bend, or they risk having what little funds they carry taxed out of them by the Duke.   As they leave, the party also encounters Tempris, the first of the fire guardians, who appears as a small, fiery mouse.

Rewards Granted

Everyone: 60XP   Wolf Parts

Character(s) interacted with

Hawke, The Hawkescowl, Tempris the first fire guardian

Created Content

ThePeople's Plight: Duke Johann is taxing the people of Timber's Bend into poverty. Can our adventurers unseat the Duke, or return Duke Rykard from The First Bulwark?
Kyrælm Campaign
Elamen Jabberkinsies
Level 1 Bard.
16 / 16
Vosssk'Triiackzesss Itwar R'kynsss Sssk'yll, K'sssaitlahk Sssver'klysss
Level .
Toryn Arras
Report Date
18 Feb 2023
Primary Location
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