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The eighth layer of hell is perhaps one of the most complicated, physically resembling a giant amphitheater which, 10 rows that each punish a different type of fraud.   In the first row, those that sold others into the sex slave trade and those that seduced others for personal gain. Here, they are forced to march in an endless circle while being whipped.   The second row is where people who used flattery to obtain what wasn't theirs are fighting amongst themselves in a pile of excrement.   The third row is where those who sold positions of power in any of the recognized religions. Here, they are buried face first into holes, with their bodies suspended in the air above them burned by fire coming from vents around them.   The fourth row contains those who pretended to posses magical power for personal gain. False fortune tellers, diviners, and false prophets. In death their heads are twisted around on their body, as they are forced to stumble around while always looking backwards.   The fifth row contains those who sold positions of power within a government. Here, the boiling moat of tar they are immersed in represents their sticky fingers and dark secrets. Here, much like the seventh layer of hell, they are guarded by Barbed Devils who lash out at them if they attempt to escape.   The sixth row contains the hypocrites, weighed down by robes of lead, forced to march on a very narrow shelf.   The seventh row is where thieves suffer a fate of having their identities stolen, as they stole other's possessions in life. This row contains a giant pit where snakes and lizards curl themselves around the sinners and constrict and eat them until they are no longer recognized. From there, their mangled body is reanimated in another grotesque form, and the cycle continues.   The eighth row is where individuals who used a position of power to encourage others to engage in any of the other lesser forms of fraud. Here, each soul is given a personal flame to eternal stand on and burn.   The ninth row is inhabited by countless Pit Fiends, who use their swords to cleave those who created discord, and torn apart what should have remained united. Their flesh divided as they divided others.   The final row of the amphitheater is where falsifiers will live. Those who with intention to mislead create fake things, identities for themselves, currency, and words. Here, they are all afflicted with a variety of debilitating diseases, hunger, thirst, blindness, and other blights, as they blighted the world from which they came.   The very bottom contains a well, that must be decended into to reach the ninth layer of hell, Treachery.
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