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Mephistopheles is the second most powerful Archdevil in Hell after only Asmodeus. His personality is a duality, cold and calculating on the surface, with a fiery personality underneath. Perhaps the most ambitious of all the Archdevils, he along with Glasya is the only other one assumed to take the place of Lord of the Nine should Asmodeus fall. Asmodeus seems to take a liking to Mephistopheles, allowing him to keep his place as Archduke of the Eighth despite leading Mammon, Dispater, and Levistus against him during The Reckoning of Hell.   Mephistopheles is the most powerful Wizard in all of Hell, and the crown jewel of his achievements is the invention of Hellfire. Hellfire is a flame so powerful, it is unrivaled by any other known force. It burns blue, and can damage or destroy anything it touches. The heat of Hellfire is so great, it circumvents any protection to heat, even an immunity to fire.   Mephistopheles spent so much of his time creating, researching, and honing his powers of Hellfire, that he was unable to focus on collecting the souls necessary to maintain his position. Because of this, he had to go into debt, and borrow souls from Mammon to give his tithe to Asmodeus. The idea, is that now that it is perfected, he can grant the use of Hellfire to mortals on the Material Plane that wish to pledge their souls to him, and he will be able to collect a massive surplus, both paying back Mammon, and amassing a treasury of his own.
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