Mailes (Migh-less)

Mailes was initially a series of watering holes where hunter-gatherer Ghei Wyl survivors gathered. Eventually, most of them settled in the area, finally deciding they were ready to try again at settling. Unfortunately for the people of Mailes, their struggles were not over. Most of the population came to be destroyed by elemental constructs of the West. Poueir, the one elvish settlement to avoid catastrophe at this point, gathered a defense once they received word. This word came far too late by foot.    By the time the River Kingdom of Nim was set up, Mailes was rebuilt as a provision town and rest stop for people traveling throughout Tsaoin. It is independent of Nim, like most other cities in the East, but this is one of the few places you would know it. If you don't keep your head low, you can get into trouble passing through Mailes. If you aren't looking for trouble, you can take advantage of Mailes's clean water and salt-preserved foods.


roughly 540 elvish citizens, but around 600 different visitors daily.

Feigning Independence

Mailes is independent, but they act it up for their own good. Natives in the area treat outsiders just as they're called. People who live there boast and lord over travelers who need their resources while complaining that outsiders consume their food and water. This is regardless of the fact that they advertise themselves as a provisioning stop. Many have complained to King Riyael about this, but he has not stepped in to interfere.   "We could solve that. Easily solve that. One of our streets outnumbers their whole settlement. The question isn't 'could we,' the question is 'what message will it send to our other independent provinces?'"   -King Vhou Riyael to his councilmen   Indeed, Nim could wipe out Mailes and start over. It could end the minor conflicts in the town and improve travel experiences for everyone. However, why worry Poueir or the newer southern settlements? Not to mention, as chaotic as it is now, Mailes is a culturally significant stop for many. Shedding more blood there would be a bad omenl.
Founding Date
Outpost / Base
Location under


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