
The Prison and its Keeper

The Prisonkeep is an ancient human myth told amongst the Snow Rocks. According to priests and keepers of lost history on the Isles, the gods placed this entity to ensure that humanity never left the islands they were ordained with. It is this very entity that makes fundamentalist Snow Rocks refuse to leave the lands or advance their religion, as its placement must have held some form of significance: whether punishment or protection. While the entity is no longer around today, it's still a core part of the Snow Rock identity.
Some people believe that the Prisonkeep was never killed and that it now slumbers in the calmed depths of the Orphi Gap. Others still abide by the legend that Warren the Chummer slayed it on his voyage. Unfortunately, none will ever know, as ancient creatures such as this are lost to history. The only official information we have regarding the Prisonkeep is that its torso could rise above the waters, it destroyed vessels exiting the Isles, and it was placed by a divine entity.


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