Warren's voyage against The Prisonkeep

Life, Death


The last voyage of Warren, the Chummer.

humanity had always seen storms over the sea and rumored outlines of gods within the flashes of lightning. Regardless of the endless storms' treachery, many individuals who wished to escape Warren's cruel watch would swim their boats out to sea in hopes there may be more land beyond the horizon's edge. No one ever returned from these voyages.   Everyone knew that a beast from the deep kept humanity on these islands. Whether for protection or damnation, "the Prisonkeep" destroyed any vessels humanity used to cross the Western Sea known as "the Orphi Gap." No one had ever seen the Prisonkeep in its full form, but myths told of it coming near the shore if anyone's rafts strayed too far from the land.   Luckily, the isles were a good place for humanity to live. Humanity was able to sturdily survive while ignoring the storms of Milin Orphi out in his Gap. One of the few devils to live within Laminarum, Orphi was constantly kept at bay by Bailum. Eventually, though, Bailum left humanity's service. Great storms, rain, and earthquakes enveloped the isles without ceasing. Most of the Sveit Logr feared Milin Orphi and the Prisonkeep more than Warren, so they took to the seas in hopes of finding anywhere safer to reside. As mentioned, none of these individuals returned.   Warren felt belittled by the overwhelming fear that his own Sveit Logr held for the gods and devils. He could not stop the storms and he could hardly fight a devil that Bailum himself couldn't stop. Rather, he declared that he would slay the Prisonkeep and lead his people to safer lands. He took his three largest ships and set out to find the beast.   The first ship was struck by lightning and promptly sank. His men begged to save those who drowned, but Warren voyaged on. The second ship sank against the harsh waves. Once again, Warren refused to return to his men. In the following nights, Warren grew paranoid. He had his men thrown to sea when they spoke beneath their breath and threatened sailors with a "funny look about them."   Eventually, they met their Prisonkeep. It could scarcely be seen as it turned their moon blood red before blocking it entirely. They fired upon it with their arrows, spears, and javelins. Eventually, they forced it back into the water below, returning the moon to them. A chase ensued and they eventually found a coast. It was not the Snow Rock Isles, but they saw several arrows and javelins lodged in the swampy mud. It seemed that the Prisonkeep had been defeated.   Assuming that this was yet another small island, they gathered some resources and tried to return home with the good news of the beast's defeat. However, halfway through the voyage, the crew knocked on Warren's private quarters in the night. Upon answering, they grabbed him and threw a rope around his neck. He was slung over the bow of the ship while still alive and had rotted away almost entirely by the time they arrived back at the isles. His recent lack of care towards the haseti had all but ensured his demise, especially in the presence of Abbot I, who led the mutiny.

Related Location
Snow Rock Isles
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Human History
History of Laminarum