Re-Educated of Brillé

Displaced and Alone

Under Saja Maut's regime and reinvigoration of Brillé's faith, dissenters against His Pride are dealt with swiftly. Many individuals disappear depending on their crime, though the majority of individuals go to re-education. To track whether or not each citizen should be punished more severely based on criminal history, the country designed social credit cards which are attached to the body via a piercing. This helped with the documentation nightmare facing Brillé while also allowing any citizen to know the social standing of individuals they interact with, often leading to alienation and a snowball effect for those who already lack the trust of others.   At the end of every month, citizens have their social credit tallied, and should their negative credit outweigh the positive, that individual goes to re-education. Framed as a form of penance, those who go through re-education have their social credit set back to zero, ensuring they may have an opportunity at reincarnation in the future. The process behind re-education is unknown, but those who return have severely declined mental faculties. Due to their lack of ability to speak or think critically, re-educated are often relegated to menial labor. While these J'barri return to their old homes with roommates or families, they are spared no trust for past crimes against Brillé. To make matters worse, the lonely nature of the re-educated means they receive little medical treatment, food, or love.  
"It has come to my attention that the Clergy of the New Gods has been directed not to associate with the re-educated within Shareen. My concern is merely for the drastic increase of re-educations application in recent years. These individuals flood the streets unhoused and uncared for. Their easy injury leaves blood and disease in the streets and their presence is unnerving. My request is that they be housed at the Temple of J'tsan so that they are out of the public eye. I further believe that their re-educated status is a penance and should be treated as such. Why must they endure when their sentence has been paid? Should you wish do direct ire elsewhere, remember that the Sycophants are always wanting!"
— Captain Osa Kinot to Immigration-General Imanzinar

Unknown Procedure

While the effects of Re-education are robust and debilitating, little is known about how the process occurs. The procedure leaves behind no scars or other physiological changes, leaving many to believe the effects are magical or curse-based. This theory also holds credence when considering that priests or blood mages are likely the practitioners behind the re-education, though no claims can be made for certain.
*All Art generated by Smokingbat7906 in Midjourney*


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