
"I believe the sycophant's to be a possible ally. Some have connections to the war on barbarism, so perhaps they hold disdain for Saja that we can use."

Zaid Faeluya to Essa Muenera, Kalan spy
Falling Pride

The following article is content from the "Falling Pride" campaign

Travel behind the great walls of Brillé as spies, all while under the guise of immigrating citizens. Build a life, gain the trust of locals, improve your social credit, and accumulate resources as you investigate for the Oligarchy of Kala. Choose your allies carefully in this theocratic dictatorship, as they could keep you alive or lead to your demise: though you may even find yourself working with the powers that be. Few choices will be easy in the Pride of Proving as you do your best to lay low and survive.

Potential Spoilers May Follow

Defenders of the Dead

As of the year 2386 P.E., the sycophants are an organization bound to the labyrinthian crypts of Brillé. Since the nation puts cremated remains throughout the natural caverns beneath their temples, finding the final resting place of loved ones can prove a daunting task, especially when attempts to organize are sparse. Luckily, the sycophants are in place to guide citizens through the claustrophobic depths. Donning their recognizable brass masks and neck lanterns, each member of their ranks is tasked with memorizing the caves' layouts and the final resting places of its people.   While the role of a sycophant may look honorable from an outside perspective, the organization is merely a form of atonement for past crimes. Many sycophants were previously nobles serving Ybal Saja or his son but disgraced themselves by attempting to manipulate their nation's benevolent leader. As punishment for their selfish behavior, they are branded, stripped of titles, and forced to live out their days behind the walls of the crypts. Typically, a sycophant can't leave their designated crypt without express permission.   Due to Brillé's fond worship of the dictator, the sycophants are widely distrusted by both citizens and the government. While they are performing a Right of Proving as mandated by both the nation's leader and J'tsan, some sins can never be washed away. Since few J'barri visit the dead from day to day, the sycophants spend most of their lives in monotony with no hope for improvement. However, through preserving the dead and defending native visitors, the sycophants may yet reincarnate into a better life.  


The Iffiti Rebellion: 2??-2?? PE

While no exact date is known, the Iffiti Rebellion took place during the dark age of Ettermiddag. Due to a plethora of blight and resource shortages, the nobles behind the central wall of Khefri would close off all access to the outer lands, quarantining themselves with their high-quality crops and livestock. Hoping to keep the blight from spreading into the nation's heart, no food was allowed outside the walls. As J'barri families grew hungry and labor declined, only the guards atop the gargantuan walls could see the disparity between the lives of the poor and the nobles. As tensions rose and peasants began turning on one another, a guard captain named Iffiti would take matters into his own hands, attempting to settle the disparity.   Back in the palace, the dictator's brother (Taka) desired for the country to radically shift its approach to globalism and commerce. With the world forced into submission by global disaster, Taka thought it was the perfect time for Brillé to expand, establishing itself as a world power. Varn Emet, the nation's leader, never entertained Taka's proposals, hoping to slip through his rule with a life of comfort. It wouldn't be until Taka joined forces with Iffiti's loyal guards and citizens that change seemed possible.   Iffiti's force donned brass masks, attempting to emulate the visage Nil Hra, who herself was a robust representative of global commerce in her time. Eventually, Iffiti would open a sealed gate of Kehfri, allowing armed peasants to flood into the royal palace. A great slaughter ensued, but the starving peasants and limited guards had overestimated their capabilities. In a matter of days, the revolution was halted, with blood magic being utilized extensively by the Varn Emet loyalists. The surviving rebels would be brutally punished. Most were branded and stripped of citizenship before being sold into slavery. These slaves (called Iffiti at the time) were forced to don the brass masks of revolution to denote their shame. As they began tending the fields of nobles, it quickly became clear that opening the sealed walls brought blight to the palaces as well, worsening the nation's hunger crises. Given the ancient nature of this information, its validity is difficult to affirm, but it's considered the most likely origin of the sycophants. Through the generations, the title of "Iffiti" would be lost, but the pattern of damning guards and nobles to the position was not. Due to the high status of those relegated to the role, the term "sycophant" became increasingly associated with the mask, leading to the organization's current designation.

The Banning of Coin: 2328 PE

Under the temperamental reign of the New Gods, consistency was hardly expected by the populace. However, Ybal Saja would continue to surprise when he decided to ban the use of coin, circa 2328 PE. For the entirety of Ybal's rule, the sycophants were merely slaves who shared their palace and guard houses, serving the whims of every citizen. While slavery seemed a fitting punishment for generations, the lack of coin and full shift to a communist economy meant that the sycophants were equal to their contemporaries in all but social status. As a result, Ybal would decide to shift the purpose that the sycophants had served for generations, shutting them behind the doors of Brillé's numerous crypts. This damning change would see the sycophants integrated across various low-caste cities while being secluded to a monotonous and cold lifestyle tending to the dead. At present (ca. 2386 PE), the sycophants still serve this role under Saja Maut (son of Ybal Saja). Those who remember what it was to be slaves often say they preferred it, due to the improved lifestyle under nobles.

All citizens should be aware of the missing fugitive, "Abhet Itali," prior Head Sycophant of Akat. His location is unknown but he is presumed to be within the walls of Brillé. Charged with perversions toward the dead he tended, Itali's return to Saja Maut will be greatly rewarded.
Information that leads to his capture will be rewarded with a dinner at the table of Saja Maut, New God of Brillé. If you have seen this individual, report it to your local captain immediately. He is expected to be carrying typical Sycophant garb, including brown robes and a simian brass mask. Alternatively, take note of brand scars amongst the populace.
— Tan Mikat, Guard Captain of Akat
*All art generated by Smokingbat7906 in Midjourney. Wanted Poster made by Jackal*


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Aug 4, 2024 00:24 by Marjorie Ariel

What a unique take on the prompt! I love the idea of a group who guard the dead in some way. The history is, of course, devastating. And while I understand the desire for revenge on the part of the peasants, I worry that their treatment of the sycophants has gone beyond mere justice. I also liked the detail about reincarnation. It was brief, but added a lot of texture to the article.