Saja Maut

"I'm thankful Saja provides us the opportunity for so much proving and through Him may we all become better citizens."

Zemprokatol to Ivarin, Priest of Akat

Pride Leader Saja Maut

Falling Pride

The following article is content from the "Falling Pride" campaign

Travel behind the great walls of Brillé as spies, all while under the guise of immigrating citizens. Build a life, gain the trust of locals, improve your social credit, and accumulate resources as you investigate for the Oligarchy of Kala. Choose your allies carefully in this theocratic dictatorship, as they could keep you alive or lead to your demise: though you may even find yourself working with the powers that be. Few choices will be easy in the Pride of Proving as you do your best to lay low and survive.

Potential Spoilers May Follow


New Order Under a New God

  Saja Maut, son of Ybal Saja and Ivet Maut, is the dictator of Brillé (ca. 1947 Ng). Continuing the changes made by his parents, Saja Maut would take the reigns of his country at the at of 30 (15 by the Standard Augury Calendar). The first step of his career would see a major overhaul to the status quo of Brillé as he waged the War on Barbarism.   To help his new regime prosper, Saja Maut meticulously replaced former authorities at the local level, while those in the nation's most powerful positions continued their rule. For example, he replaced 16 city-guard captains in cities adjoining the nation's three walls; alongside these captains was a new religious organization called the Sentinels of Saja Maut which was composed of 10 paladins.   With each of these new military and holy leaders, platoons of soldiers would carry out their dictator's desires with a particular focus on abolishing opposing systems of faith. Under the new dictions of Saja Maut, any gods outside of the Kinnet Eti, Epiket, and order of the New Gods was categorized into the ranks of the "Azberret." While the Azberret order had existed in the prior Renadi Pantheon (including Brillé), this great expansion meant that the majority of cultures were viewed as allies to tricksters and demons.   After the brutal elimination of Azberret worshipping villages, prior guard captains, temples, and libraries, a massive wave of propaganda would be spread nation-wide. While his ancestors had similarly been viewed as gods, such a program had scarcely been seen before. Due to his father banning coin, Saja Maut continued to use social credit cards to regulate the economy while the nation's rations slowly declined. Under his rule, Brillé has produced a lengthy anthology called the "New Scripture," outlining every minute belief that the citizens should follow. Information is regulated to similar levels of the past, with books on foreign religions existing under "fictional" categories. Finally, religion and the government became recognized as one body, allowing anyone from the lowly acolytes to the city guard to delve out justice for those stepping outside the faith.  

Growing to Fit his Throne

  The New Scripture outlines in great detail the exploits of Saja Maut. From a lowly powerless boy to a man fit for leadership, Saja Maut's rise is a common household story to the natives of Brillé. Born to his father, Ybal Saja, the tales claim that Saja Maut never desired to rule. He spent his young days enjoying the plethora of riches raised by his family while indulging in the frivolous hobbies of children. Drawing, dress-up, kickball, and drinking are only a few of the needless tasks Saja used to ignore the teachings of his father. Ybal Saja always claimed disappointment in his son's lack of desire to rule, but his complaints fell on deaf ears.   One day, when Saja was ignoring his duties to carouse with friends, an alarming message about his father came. During a dinner meeting with the immigration general, heart troubles struck Ybal. After rushing Ybal to his bed chambers, the blood mages and nobles knew little could be done. Saja Maut put his selfish needs aside and rushed to his father's side, pleading with J'tsan to let his father live. When the blood mages set Saja's expectations, he asked his father for forgiveness. He was disappointed in himself for living such a frivolous lifestyle and ignoring the teachings of his father. In his benevolence, Ybal showed mercy and granted absolution for his sins. With gratitude and love in his heart, Saja swore that he would study the teachings of his father and make him proud. In his final words, Ybal Saja said "Then that shall be your Proving, dear boy."   Saja Maut would rise to take the throne a day later at the age of fifteen and kept his promise. After studying the teachings of Ybal and the wider faith, he waged the War on Barbarism and became the most successful leader in the nation's history, unifying his people and organizations under one concise faith: the word of Saja Maut.  


  • Established a new regime and religion at the age of fifteen.
  • Resolved the housing and hunger crises in Brillé.
  • Eliminated Taopin, azberret of reincarnation.
  • Created the Reeducation program, allowing sinners to atone for better hopes of reincarnation.
  • Redefined the nation's handling of the dead, enforcing cremation over burial.
Current Status
Ruling behind Kehfri (burned?)
Current Location
68 (Based on Renadi 5-month calendar)
Renadi Pantheon (Brillen Pantheon)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
*Saja Maut Portrait Commissioned by 'Jackal,' all others generated by smokingbat7906 in Midjourney.*


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