Expansion of outpost Haerehel

Financial Event


The date Haerehel gained permission and resources from King Riyael to expand.

Seeing the success of outpost Feneyl's expansion, Haerehel put their foot down, demanding resources to expand beyond their fort. Riyael had been skeptical until now, as expeditions had unilaterally proven that it would not bring in as much capital as the Western region.   It was clear to Riyael that Haerehel simply wanted a region to their name, which he believed undermined his sole rulership. However, not feeling he could afford the loss of a fort, he complied with their demands. Receiving an insultingly small advance of resources, Haerehel sent a series of letters demanding more. Riyael promptly responded.   "Lord Haerehel, I hope this letter finds you well. I have heard your recent concerns, and you must understand: your region is lacking in precious metals, farmland, religious discovery, or any other resource which would justify my financial investment. Your experiment holds no value to Nim, nor yourselves. Should you feel the need to speak further on the topic, you will be hearing from my council. If this is a problem for you, try to develop on your lonesome with the resources available to you. Then, perhaps you will finally realize why I will put no investment into your development.   Truly,   Vhou Riyael, King of Nim and Her Territories."   Reading the letter, Haerehel decided to do just that. The prideful patriarch of the family, Yael, would never admit his wrong. He did meet great tribulations in trying to develop on his own.

Related Location
Fort Haerehel
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