The Revolution of The Denpa Powlwe


648 B.E. - 646 B.E.

The overthrow of the Yunbad High Priests by the Denpa Powlwe (Children of Denpa)

In the years leading up to this revolution, Udundst was reaching another crisis. Inexplicably, civilization was worse now than during that of the Cold Year. Communion with Denpa only brought confusion. Some priests said he was furious or disappointed in his countenance. Some claimed he was entirely absent. Others say he praised them for their conviction and advancement with magic.   Regardless of what Denpa was saying, resources were depleting. Food was becoming difficult to come by and sterility rates were on a steep incline. Magic, however, was only growing stronger. While the Yunbad tried to use this to their advantage, curing sterility and growing plants, it only went to far. Magic seemed more capable than in all of its history, but it failed at what they needed most.   During this period, a group of disciples, acolytes, and lowly priests were planning an overthrow. They had heard rumors of the High Priest selling potential insurgents as slaves and began questioning his rule. Whenever this group communed with Denpa in private, they always received warm reception and praise. Denpa gave them his blessing to overthrow the Yunbad Theocratic Conduit and start anew.   The revolution was a smashing success. The old High Priest was executed and any of his supporters were slaughtered. The revolutionaries went by the name "Denpa Powlwe," or "Children of Denpa." The new leader was supposedly a prophet and went by the name "Gomma Pai."   Gomma made his plans clear: outlaw slave trade with the J'barri and force them out of the mountains. This would be the spark of the Yunbad-J'barri conflict, a war for the ages. In fact, it would be the largest war in the world up until that point.

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