Denpa Powlwe (Den-Pa Pow-le-way)

The Denpa Powlwe were yet another theocracy that followed the YTC. The Powlwe were a group of extremists though their usurpation of the YTC would have helped the country of Udundst in the long run. The only misstep was by its only leader, Gomma Pai. Gomma immediately outlawed slave trade, pushed the J'barri from their lower mines, and cut all contact. This enraged the J'barri who fought back.
  If not for Gomma's short sightedness, the Yunbad may still be alive today. Some say his heart was pure but he was not as educated or experienced in foreign relations as someone like Heime, the original High Priest.
Religious, Holy Order


The Council of Kala, being the only J'barri government surviving from this era, hated the Denpa Powlwe. While they genuinely liked the YTC for the incredible deal they had (gain slaves and resources), they couldn't stand those who followed. With the Powlwe ending this deal, Nil Hra, the head of council, began a propaganda campaign against the Yunbad. This led to worse treatment of Yunbad slaves and anti Udundst sentiments. In turn, the slaves eventually revolted.

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