Southern Elvish Forces Discovered Smuggling Resources West

Criminal Activity


The knowledge of Southern elvish smuggling reaching the kingdom of Nim.

While the elves had appeared in good faith, though not interacting with each other, travelers from Bourillia gave information to Vhou Riyael about the smuggling of artifacts, iron, gold, and Rojan forged weapons of magic into Western Silse. He went personally with a force of soldiers to investigate the claims, which turned out to be true. When he argued about the subject with Paele, he noted that she seemed rather careless towards leadership (and made the mistake of pointing this out). Riyael was escorted out of her throne room, but allowed to stay in the city until he was ready to leave.   Eventually, he convinced Paele to meet again and apologized. The apology gave little cushioning for the following threat of war. Riyael said that if she didn't crack down on the criminal activity, then he would. Paele agreed to the terms, not wanting to get involved either way. Regardless, Vhou would return later in order to get information from the West.   Riyael had begun to fear the elves as they grew more active in attacking Renad. He believed that after conquering them, they wouldn't stop with the J'barri.

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