Vhou Offered Seat by Kalan Council

Political event

1406 P.E.

The nationally recognized promotion of Vhou Riyael onto the Council of Kala, making him the only elf to hold a substantial political position within two separate nations.

After serving the renovations of Kala for a century and a half, his position as benfactor of the J'barri people would be recognized by nearly all of the upcoming members of the J'barri council. As both a reward for his help and recognition of his experience with ancient J'barri civilization, Vhou was given a position on the council of Kala; with it, a treaty of national defense was signed, stating that they would lay down lives and finances for each other in times of war (though they explicitly mentioned this would not extend to allies of each nation).   Lacking the mandatory education or news of today, the masses were hardly informed of a foreigner being added amongst the individuals ruling them. Many of those in positions of power surrounding the council itself, however, were skeptical of this outsider. While Vhou had become a friend (nearly family) entrenched among many noble families, word began to spread that he had only extended this "friendship" in the name of political power. A battle between pro and anti elf propaganda would spread throughout the few educated classes in the nation, with Vhou being painted as a figure of devilish and patient manipulation. His political adversaries would even claim that his "recollections" of ancient J'barri culture were entirely fabricated to insert subliminal pieces of elvish culture into the country. While the his sympathisers hoped for him to stay and fight the accusations, Vhou claimed "I don't need to fight it. I can simply leave until its over." While the quote is often used against him as proof that he uses his irregularly long life to his political advantage, it is worth noting that Vhou would continue financially supporting citizens at all levels of Kala during his temporary absence.   After leaving for roughly 7 years, Vhou would return to a Kala rich in resources it had enjoyed from the lands of Nim before settling in a safer council seat. Before long, he would use this position to request a seat for a representative of Roja.

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