Formation of the Southern River Kingdom



The official separation of Morie You, fort Haerehel, and its people from Nim.

After decades of advancement in Nim, Riyael decided that the South could claim independence. Paele and Riyael discussed the matter prior, but it wasn't until every facet of the situation was realized that Riyael would allow it.  

Limited Benefit to Nim

The South had always been deficient in useful resources to Nim, which was part of the initial contention between Riyael and Haerehel. Further, its original existence was to keep an eye on the mountains and any threats within them. By now, it was clear that the mountain guardians would not return.  

Financial Detriment

Given that Morie You was a large city but lacking in useful resources, it was a financial vacuum. It required resources, maintenance, and welfare of the citizens required support from Nim. It was nothing but a pit, which Riyael was happy to let go by the time he did.  

A Non-Threat

Since much time had passed, Riyael got to know Paele. She had little mind for war, even when it came to her own duties to Nim, and mostly cared about the well-being of her people. Not only was she lacking in hostility, but her people wouldn't have the resources to fight if they wanted too.     After the independence was formalized, citizens of the South had the opportunity to return to Nim, which saw 25% of the population emigrate from Morie You. After they were independent, Paele named her country "Bourilia."

Related Location
Morie You
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