Ineva Kataqr Siezes Kalan Government

Civil action

44 B.E.

The takeover of the Council of Kala by Ineva Kataqr, who strived to douse the flames of the Plea Paranoia.

After a decade of rising paranoia, life in Kala had become brutal and exhausting. The guard was dwindling, and the population was as well. One wealthy individual, Ineva Kataqr, had been able to maintain her capital during the crisis, as the elves were practically starved by the complete destruction of their cane farms. Vhou Riyael himself had taken great interest in maintaining a connection with her, but had seen the dismay that Kala had fallen to as well. He gave her minimal military support as she convinced most of the remaining guards to ally with her for financial reward.   The prior council was put in chains, and some executed. A grand purge of anyone problematic took place, largely those that had gained positions of power by snitching on their neighbors for false worship or other paranoia fueled falsehoods. While Kala still had dark days ahead, the establishment of Ineva as the head of the nation would be the first stepping stones to creating the modern Kalan Oligarchy.

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