Eyiliv Feneyl Learns of Southern Elf Spying

Political event


The quick discovery of southern elf subterfuge by Eyiliv Feneyl.

Levrin was mostly a hands-off ruler, falling victim to overreliance on Rai for information and decision-making. Eyiliv would not, making sure that he knew the workings of his kingdom. This frustrated Rai, but he was simply to be an informant and supporter of the king.   The first thing Eyiliv did was see to the southern elves, as they had stopped smuggling for them during his father's reign, but Levrin saw little reason to bother since waning rock was the most valuable resource available. He immediately found that information and resources were being taken and given to Nim. When confronting Paele, he made the same observation as Riyael had years ago. She seemed quite complacent and unwilling to bother with ruling her kingdom.   Eyiliv took this sight in worse stride than Vhou, already frustrated by his father's complacency. He said that he would not force her to continue smuggling for the West, but if she did not discontinue her subterfuge then war would come for the South. Although Vhou had promised the same, Paele recounted a degree of vile honesty to the depth of the actions he would take against her. At the time, she said she would stop.   When Eyiliv left, Paele sought counsel from Vhou and explained what had happened. He told her to be more careful in the future and proposed an official alliance between the two kingdoms. Should the west attack either kingdom, aid would be given. By now, a similar treaty existed between Nim and Kala.

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