Verani Republic

The Verani Republic is a kingdom in Issatia, on far eastern coast of the eastern continent. The Verani Republic has been in a state of either hot or cold war with the Empire of the Shattered Isles for as long as the two have had contact.
The Verani Republic places a great emphasis on the arcane arts. The populace are divided into those who study magic, and a lower caste of those with limited or no magical potential, known as the Robazun, who are forced to perform menial labour for minimum wage.
Verani citizens wear colours and tattoos to clearly identify which magical order they belong to:
  • Order of the Shield - Abjuration - Blue
  • Order of the Pen - Illusion - Purple
  • Order of the Lamp - Divination - White
  • Order of the Dirt - Necromancy - Black
  • Order of the Pyre - Evocation - Red
  • Order of the Chain - Conjuration - Orange
  • Order of the Lute - Enchantment - Green
  • Order of the Hammer - Transmuation - Yellow


The Verani Republic is run by the Council of the Verani; a council of representatives from the eight mystical orders.


Geopolitical, Province
Alternative Names


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