The Empire of the Shattered Isles

Age of the Gods

The term used for the time prior to the Primordial War and the Sundering. Many records of this time have been lost during the subsequent Black Times

  • Approx. 100 Years Before the Sundering
    Primordial War Begins
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Primordials arrive in Lanath with their demonic armies

  • During the Primordial War
    Netheril Betrayal
    Military action

    The Netheril Empire turns on the mortal races and the Gods, siding with the Primordials

  • The End of the Age of Gods
    The Sundering
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Gods fracture the world - sacrificing millions of the mortal races to prevent total extinction

  • The End of the Primordial War
    Primordials Defeated
    Religious event

    The Gods created the metallic dragons, rallied the last of their forces, and drove the Primordials out of Lanath. They then sacrificed themselves to create the Veil, protecting Lanath from further invasion

The Age of the Empire

The Empire of the Sundered Isles rises out of the wreckage

  • 1st Year of the Empire - 1AE
    Empire of the Shattered Isles Rises
    Political event

    The human survivors on what would become Astartes expand across the Sundered Sea, conquering other enclaves of survivors and forming the Empire of the Shattered Isles

  • 29 AE

    Colonization of the Western Coast
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Empire of the Shattered Isles begins to establish colonies on the Western Coast of the Sundered Sea, leading them into conflict with the elves of the Feurach Aman.

  • 31 AE

    34 AE

    War with the Elves
    Military action

    Years of tension due to the expansion of the Empire into their lands, leads to a border dispute with the elves on the Western continent

  • 34 AE

    35 AE

    Demon Incursion
    Military action

    A demonic army from Athenon swept across the Northwatch Mountains. The humans and elves put aside their conflict to repel the incursion.

  • 35 AE

    Northwatch Pact
    Diplomatic action

    The creation of the Northwatch Pact - an alliance between the Empire and the Elves of the Feurach Aman to defend the passes in the Northwatch Mountains from demonic incursions

    More reading
    Northwatch Wardens
  • 167 AE

    5 Aigh

    Verani Invasion
    Military action

    The armies of the Verani invaded the Summer's Coast; razing Triboar, Phandalin and besieging Wave Echo Cave

    More reading
    Verani Invasion
    Additional timelines