Mine of Phandelver

Shortly after the arrival of the Empire on the Summers Coast, the joint expedition of gnomish and dwarven prospectors discovered rich mineral wealth within a cave system in the Onorhan Hills in Neverwinter Forest. This company quickly set up the mine here and began to excavate.
After around a few months of work, the miners broke through into a cavern and found an strange fissure leading downwards and glowing with a faint blue light. Unable to gauge the depth of the shaft, miners who spent time near to the opening began to report strange headaches and dizzy spells. Believing the energy to be mystical in nature, the expedition leader, a dwaf known as Thorak Phandelver, closed off the cavern and sent for aid from a cabal of mages in Rakheen he had dealt with previously.
The following Nadar, a contingent of curious mages arrived at the mine. After performing a number of experiments, they came to the conclusion that not only was the energy emanating from the hole mystical in nature, it was also of unprecedented concentration and potency. Excited by the potential, the mages negotiated with the expedition leader to set up a permanent base in the mine to study the phenomenon in a historic agreement which came to be known as the Phandelver's Pact.
The mages quickly discovered that they could channel the power to imbue mundane artifacts with powerful enchantments. With the aid of the dwarves and gnomes, they built the Forge of Spells and began to produce enchanted items to help fund their research into the nature of the energy.
Over the following years, others sages joined the initial contingent to study the phenomenon, and the ranks of the Phandelver Mages began to grow.
For just over a decade, the mine was incredibly prosperous The dwarves and gnomes harvested vast quantities of minerals, forging beautiful weapons and other artifacts. The skill of the Phandelver smiths became renowned, second only to the legendary dwarven metalworkers in the Mountainhomes. Great numbers of exquisite pieces flowed out of the mine, bringing great prosperity to not only th emine, but to the surrounding region. In addition, the Phandelver Mages produced a small number of powerful magical artifacts for great quantities of gold which also helped to ensure the legacy of the mine.
The prosperity of the mine was not to last. The Verani Invasion lay siege to the mine for months, held back only by the powerful magics of the mages. With supplies running low; the mages close to exhaustion; and no sign of reinforcements from the empire, desperation set in. The mages enacted a last powerful ritual to collapse the cave, destroying the mine but denying the Verani the power of the Forge of Spells.
Alternative Name(s)
Wave Echo Cave

Articles under Mine of Phandelver

The Age of the Empire

  • 157 AE

    15 Nadar

    Discovery of Wave Echo Cave
    Discovery, Exploration

    Discovery of a rich mine in a wonderous cavern, with natural magical properties

    More reading
    Mine of Phandelver
  • 158 AE

    18 Aigh

    Creation of the Forge of Spells
    Construction beginning/end

    The wizards of Phandelvers Pact built the Forge of Spells to focus the raw magical power of Wave Echo Cave, to enchant magical items

  • 167 AE

    5 Aigh

    Verani Invasion
    Military action

    The armies of the Verani invaded the Summer's Coast; razing Triboar, Phandalin and besieging Wave Echo Cave

    More reading
    Verani Invasion
    Additional timelines
  • 167 AE

    18 Cacolach

    Destruction of Wave Echo Cave
    Disaster / Destruction

    The mine at Wave Echo Cave was collapsed to deny the Forge of Spells to the Verani

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