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Alucard, also known as the Demon Hunter. He was the son of renowned Knight, Ser Roland, former Lord Commander succeeded by Ser Tigreal. After the untimely death of his father, Alucard was taken by the Monastery of Light and was trained to be an Arbiter of Light. But because of his sudden transformation and realization of the truth, Alucard defects from the Monastery and the Empire he once served.




I shall not rest until I restore my father's glory!

The last great war was a glorious memory for the Moniyans. The powerful Light's Order, together with the Imperial Border Guards, wiped out an invading demon force and their remaining strongholds in the outskirts of Moniyan and the Barren Lands pass, driving the fiends back to their forsaken lands. But for young Alucard, the war was a horrific memory, a night that had changed his life forever.

As it was told, Alucard’s father, Ser Roland, Commander of the second regiment, ordered a rash and reckless assault on the Demons that had tragically resulted in many deaths. Only a few had survived. Ser Roland, himself disappeared in the battle and was later declared dead by the Light’s Order.

“Traitors!” The council cried.

For their disobedience, the second regiment was denied honor and glory for their sacrifice and participation in the war and was criticized for their lack of discipline. This was a huge blow to Alucard, who had always regarded his father as a hero and role model. Facing shame and ridicule everywhere he went, the flames of revenge burned within his heart, determined to bring honor to his father's name once again and eliminate all the demons in the Land of Dawn.

After his parents’ death, Alucard, orphaned son of a distinguished knight and lady, the boy was taken by the Monastery of Light, the home of the faithful— home of the homeless.

In the following years, Alucard studied a range of combat skills in the Monastery of Light. With his natural talent and undying determination, he soon became the most promising student among his peers. During his training, Ser Tigreal, The new Lord Commander of the Light's Order, who had once fought in the second regiment with his father, often visited Alucard in the monastery, teaching him various advanced combat skills and telling him of his father's heroic deeds.

Tigreal was already a renowned Imperial Knight and was regarded as the hero of the second regiment and the war. While everyone saw him as a son of a traitor, Tigreal showed him genuine kindness— A young boy robbed of everything he’s ever known. Alucard eventually regarded him as an elder brother and has grown to respect and admire him. However, whenever Alucard mentioned his father's final battle, Tigreal always fell silent, his eyes filled with a wave of complex emotions. The young boy couldn’t possibly have known the true meaning behind his silence.

Be it stubbornness or denial, Alucard was skeptical of the idea that his father had died in battle. He had always believed that his father was still alive, waiting for him.

At the age of eighteen, Alucard had completed all of his studies and formal preparations. Encouraged by Tigreal, he became the monastery's Arbiter of Light. He was ordered to go forth and eliminate the demons and heretics hidden throughout the world, and so he picked up his father's old sword, given to him by Tigreal, and set off. In his father’s name— fueled by his deep resentment of demons, Alucard soon became the greatest demon hunter in all the land.

Alucard was one step closer to seeing his promises fulfilled. But the path ahead had different plans for him…

During a demon hunting operation on the borders of the Barren Lands— the unspeakable happened. Alucard was injured in his fight with a Blood Demon, sustaining a wound that could not be healed. In a moment of desperation, the wave of fury that boiled in his blood exploded. Darkness poured onto his body from the heinous wound, and his arm began to undergo a bizarre transformation… When he came to, the young hunter had no clear recollection of what had happened, but the strange sensation that lingered in his arm.

Knowing what awaited him should he return to the capital “compromised”, the penalty would be his immediate death. Alucard traveled to a nearby village and asked an old smith to help him forge a pair of gauntlets. However, this man was no ordinary smith, he was a survivor of that fated battle, a former Knight of the Light's Order who covered his allies' retreat along with Alucard's father.

The smith recognized the huge sword in Alucard's hand. After learning who he was, the old man told Alucard that the true reason the second regiment was forced so deep into enemy territories— was greed and glory, but not of them. The high-level knights at that time were impulsive and sought glory for themselves which led to the second regiment finding itself trapped in a tight encirclement. In an act of true heroism and self-sacrifice, Alucard's father led his loyal troops to cover the retreat of the main force headed by Tigreal and was then completely swarmed by a tide of demons. He was the only survivor, rescued by Alucard's father.

After learning the truth, in his return to the capital, Alucard demanded Tigreal answers about that battle; why, after all these years, he kept the lie alive. Seeing the anger gripping Alucard, Tigreal finally confessed: his self-righteous stupidity caused the lives of his allies, the guilt for abandoning them, and the silence he was forced to maintain at the behest of his family. He expressed his willingness to pay for all he’d done in any way he could, claiming that should his life suffice, he would give it up to him.

Entangled in a web of confusion, Alucard’s reality seemingly crumbled upon hearing, from Tigreal himself, the man he saw as his own brother, was the reason he lost his father… The reason for all those years of grief, hatred, and suffering he had endured. But before the darkness gripped him yet again, Alucard knew he couldn't bear to kill Tigreal… But he couldn't forgive him either.

In an act that shocked many, Alucard waltzed up to the Council and demanded they reveal the truth of the second regiment and restore his father's name. However, the knights of that battle had become some of the most powerful figures in Moniyan. Naturally, to preserve the lie, the Council and the Light’s Order refused Alucard's request and drove him out of the capital.

On top of this, in the struggle against the Light’s Order, Alucard’s mutated arm revealed itself. Distressed and enraged, Alucard’s dormant arm awakened once again in his defense. This quickly caught the attention of the puritanical Monastery of Light who was quick to excommunicate their once favored Arbiter and labeled him a heretic and ordered his immediate arrest.

For the longest time, Alucard's deep hatred of the demons and his desire to regain his father's honor had spurred him on in his life’s mission to serve as the Arbiter of Light. But now, faced with the Empire that had betrayed his father, and a church that treated him with scorn, Alucard made an unthinkable decision: To betray the Monastery of Light, the Moniyan Empire itself, and fight for himself.

In the following years, Alucard began wandering the Land of Dawn, annihilating demons everywhere he went on his own terms, searching for clues to his father's whereabouts. His demonic right hand granted him immense strength in battle but it was unstable at best, worse, it was parasitic. To this day, Alucard dreads the day it consumes him entirely, he concluded it was safer to conceal it under the gauntlet. But for how long…

After years of nomadic adventures and countless battles, Alucard became known as one of the most legendary fighters in Moniyan. Soon enough, everyone knew that wherever demons ran rampant, the demon hunter with the ominous right arm would no doubt descend from the sky and leave none alive.

Mastery Code/Chronicle Page

Chronicle Page currently unavailable

Short Story

Short Story currently unavailable

Comic Exclusive

Comic Exclusive currently unavailable



Ser Roland

Lady Rheya

Ser Tigreal










Full Name
Alucard Lightborn
Also Known as
Demon Hunter
Human (Mutated/Half Demon)
Gender & Sexuality
Favorite Food
Disliked Food
Power Abilities
Demonic powers
Demon Hunter Sword


Brilliant Blue
Short, clean, Golden Blond
Skin Tone
Light skin
Distinct Features
Demon hand


Arbiter of Light (former)
Demon Hunter (current)
Moniyan Empire (former)
Monastery of Light (former)
Servant of the Light (former)
Current Location
The Barren Lands
Partial Demonization


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