The Curse of Am

Scarab Plague

The Curse of Am is a devastating affliction that plagues the La'anan Region of Rahue, brought about by the death god Am as retribution for the Analai people's shift in worship towards Yosarum, a rival deity. The curse manifests through the emergence of deadly scarab-like creatures from crystalline formations known as Shards of Am, which form during storms. The curse is spread primarily through direct skin contact with these scarabs or by ingesting the blood of an infected individual, leading to severe physical and psychological symptoms and ultimately resulting in death.  


  The Curse of Am originated when the death god Am, infuriated by the Analai's increasing devotion to Yosarum, sent an emissary called the Amspawn to punish them. The Amspawn fell from the sky, crashing into the shallow waters near the coast and creating a massive wave that devastated the coastal villages. After crawling onto the shore, the Amspawn proclaimed the curse upon the Analai before disintegrating, releasing toxic gases into the air and seeping its blood into the ground. This event tainted the soil and atmosphere.  

Methods of Infection

  During thunderstorms, when lightning strikes the tainted ground, thin, brittle crystaline structures called Shards of Am erupt from the earth. When disturbed, the shards with fracture and scarab-like creatures emerge from within. These scarabs are the primary vector for transmitting the curse to living creatures. If a scarab comes into contact with a person's or animal's skin for long enough, it will burrow into their flesh, causing intense pain as it digs deeper. Once inside, the scarab quickly dissolves into the bloodstream, releasing the curse directly into the victim's body.   The curse can also spread through the ingestion of blood from an infected individual such as through contaminated food or water. The ingested blood carries the larvae of the scarabs, which quickly take hold in the new host's bloodstream, spreading the curse further.  

Symptoms and Effects

  Once infected, individuals experience severe symptoms:   Pain and Fever
The initial stage of infection causes intense pain at the site of entry and a high fever.
  Psychological Effects
Infected individuals often experience hallucinations, nightmares, and a pervasive sense of impending doom, exacerbating the physical suffering.
  Blood Transformation
Over a timespan between two and four days, the victim's blood transforms into scarab larvae, leading to severe internal pain and discomfort.
  Emergence of Larvae
Finally, all of the new larvae burst forth from the body, resulting in the victim's death. If these larvae are not destroyed they will burrow into the ground until they pupate and transform into second-generation scarabs. These scarabs will emerge from the ground independent from the Shards of Am.  

Prevention and Mitigation

  Preventing the spread of this curse is a critical aspect of life for the Analai. The only cure requires a highly skilled mage with anti-curse magic, such mages are rare in this region. As a result, the Analai compensate for the scarcity by covering their skin with multiple layers of clothing. Thick, tightly woven fabrics prevent scarabs from making direct contact with the skin, significantly reducing the risk of infection.   Since Shards of Am only grow where lightning directly strikes the ground, the Analai will erect tall lightning rods in their settlements to redirect lightning away from the ground. These rods are strategically placed to protect homes and communal areas.   In addition to protecting inhabited areas, the Analai also build lightning rods in remote locations to mitigate the chances of shards appearing in the wilderness. This proactive approach helps to control the spread of the curse and minimize the formation of Shards of Am.  

Treatment of Infected Individuals

  If someone becomes infected and there are no mages available to cure them, the only way to prevent the larvae from erupting is to burn the infected's body. Cremation destroys the larvae and stops the cycle of the curse from continuing. Traditionally, when an individual realizes they are infected, they will consume a poison to die quietly and relatively painlessly, sparing their community from further risk. The community then cremates the remains to ensure the curse does not spread. This practice, though tragic, is seen as a noble sacrifice for the greater good.   The Analai maintain a high level of vigilance in their communities. Regular inspections for signs of infection and swift isolation of suspected cases are standard practices. These measures help to prevent the spread of the curse within settlements.
by Midjourney
by Midjourney

Cover image: Amspawn by Midjourney


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