

Nestled amidst the frigid northern seas of Lateras lies Snowrise Island, a rugged and perilous landmass veiled in perpetual frost and shrouded in mist. Towering mountain ranges, cloaked in blankets of snow and ice, dominate the island's landscape, their jagged peaks reaching towards the heavens like frozen spears. Deep valleys, carved by ancient glaciers, wind their way through the terrain, their icy depths concealing untold dangers.   The island is perpetually buffeted by biting winds, howling through narrow ravines and across sheer cliffs, creating an ever-present chill that seeps into the bones of any who dare to traverse its treacherous paths. Blizzards rage across the landscape with alarming frequency, engulfing unwary travelers in swirling maelstroms of snow and ice, obscuring their vision and threatening to swallow them whole.   Amidst the harsh terrain, sparse vegetation struggles to cling to life, with hardy evergreens and frost-resistant shrubs dotting the landscape like scattered sentinels. Beneath the icy crust, hidden caverns and winding tunnels riddle the island, their depths home to ancient secrets and creatures adapted to thrive in the harsh, unforgiving environment.   But amidst the desolation, there is beauty to be found. Glacial lakes, their crystalline waters reflecting the azure hues of the sky above, shimmer like jewels amidst the frozen expanse. And when the sun breaks through the perpetual cloud cover, casting its golden light upon the snow-capped peaks, Snowrise Island is transformed into a breathtaking vista of ethereal beauty.   Yet, for all its majesty, Snowrise Island remains a land of danger and mystery, where only the most stalwart and determined souls dare to tread.


Snowrise Island, home to the formidable city of Skysword, boasts a treacherous ecosystem shaped by its frigid, mountainous terrain. Among its icy peaks and frozen tundras dwell creatures of chilling ferocity. Massive Frostfang Wolves prowl the snow-covered expanses in packs, their white fur blending seamlessly with the landscape as they hunt unsuspecting prey. Deep within the island's frozen caverns, Ice Wyrms slither through icy tunnels, their diamond-hard scales gleaming in the dim light as they stalk their victims. Among the frosted trees, Glacier Spiders lie in wait, their venom inducing a numbing coldness that freezes their prey solid. Whispers of malevolent spirits echo through the mountain passes, guiding unwary travelers to their doom amidst the frozen wastes. Rare Frostfire Blossoms bloom amidst the harsh terrain, their vibrant blue petals glowing with an otherworldly light and freezing anything that comes into contact with them. In the skies above, Glacier Shrikes soar with wingspans rivaling that of wyverns, their talons sharp as ice as they hunt their prey from above. And looming over it all is the legend of the Frozen Heart, a colossal creature said to possess the power to freeze entire landscapes with a mere breath, a reminder of the unforgiving nature of Snowrise Island's ecosystem.

Ecosystem Cycles

During the harsh winter months, the island is blanketed in thick layers of snow and ice, rendering travel treacherous and exposing unwary adventurers to the full force of the island's icy inhabitants. Frostfang Wolves grow bolder in their hunts, their white coats blending seamlessly with the snowy landscape as they roam in search of prey. Ice Wyrms retreat deeper into their icy caverns, hibernating until the warmer months awaken them once more. Frostbite Spiders lie dormant in their lairs, waiting patiently for the thaw before emerging to hunt once more. The Frozen Heart, if it truly exists, is said to be most active during the winter, its chilling presence spreading frost and ice across the land.   As spring arrives and temperatures begin to rise, the snow begins to melt, revealing hidden treasures buried beneath the ice. Glacier Shrikes return to the skies, their sharp eyes scanning the landscape for signs of life. Frostfire Blossoms bloom amidst the thawing ground, their radiant blue petals a stark contrast against the melting snow. Yet dangers still lurk, as the thaw can awaken dormant predators and thawing ice can trigger deadly avalanches.   During the brief summer months, Snowrise Island experiences a burst of life as flora and fauna alike flourish in the milder temperatures. Frostfang Wolves roam the verdant valleys in search of prey, their hunts becoming more aggressive as competition for resources increases. Ice Wyrms emerge from their hibernation, seeking out the cool underground springs that provide sustenance during the warmer months. Frostbite Spiders spin intricate webs among the trees, their venomous bites more potent in the heat of summer.   As autumn approaches and temperatures begin to cool once more, the island prepares for the return of winter. Glacier Shrikes begin their migration southward, their haunting calls echoing across the valleys as they depart. Frostfire Blossoms wilt and fade, their once-vibrant blooms replaced by icy winds and falling leaves. And as the first snowflakes begin to fall, the cycle begins anew, with Snowrise Island settling once more into its icy embrace.

Localized Phenomena

One such phenomenon is the "Frostfire Storm," a rare and awe-inspiring event where intense electrical storms collide with the icy terrain of the island. Lightning strikes illuminate the night sky with brilliant flashes, casting an eerie glow across the snow-covered landscape. These storms are not only visually stunning but also incredibly dangerous, as lightning strikes can trigger avalanches and ignite pockets of flammable gases trapped beneath the surface.   Another distinctive feature of Snowrise Island is the presence of "Crystal Caverns," vast underground networks of ice caves adorned with shimmering crystal formations. These caverns are formed by the slow erosion of glacial ice over millennia, creating intricate passageways and chambers beneath the surface. The crystals within these caverns refract and reflect light in mesmerizing patterns, giving the illusion of an otherworldly landscape.   Additionally, Snowrise Island is home to the "Northern Lights," a breathtaking natural light display. These colorful ribbons of light dance across the night sky in hues of green, blue, and purple, creating a spectacle that is both mesmerizing and mystical. Legend has it that these lights are the result of Aelroth's divine presence, blessing the island with his protective aura.   Finally, Snowrise Island is rumored to be haunted by the "Spectral Mists," mysterious fog-like phenomena that shroud certain areas of the island in an ethereal haze. These mists are said to be inhabited by vengeful spirits and malevolent entities, making navigation through them a perilous endeavor. Those who dare to venture into the Spectral Mists risk becoming lost forever or encountering terrifying apparitions from the island's dark past.


The climate of Snowrise Island is characterized by its extreme cold and harsh weather conditions. Freezing temperatures are the norm for much of the year, with icy winds and snowstorms sweeping across the landscape with little warning. Hailstorms, some producing hail the size of golf balls, are not uncommon occurrences, adding to the island's reputation for danger and unpredictability.   Despite its frigid climate, Snowrise Island does experience brief periods of relative warmth during the summer months. However, even during these times, the temperature rarely rises above what would be considered balmy, and cool breezes are a constant presence. Overall, the climate of Snowrise Island is marked by its extreme and unforgiving nature, with little respite from the cold and harsh conditions.   In terms of predictability, the climate of Snowrise Island is highly unpredictable. Sudden changes in weather, from clear skies to blizzards, can occur in a matter of hours, making it challenging for travelers and residents alike to plan for the conditions they may encounter. This unpredictability adds an additional layer of danger to an already treacherous environment, requiring those who venture into the wilderness to be constantly vigilant and prepared for whatever nature may throw their way.

Natural Resources

Ice and Snow: The most abundant resource on Snowrise Island, ice and snow can be harvested and used for a variety of purposes. It serves as a source of freshwater when melted, providing essential hydration for the inhabitants of the island. Additionally, ice and snow can be used in construction, providing building material for structures and fortifications.   Timber: Despite the inhospitable climate, frostwood trees thrive in the icy wilderness of Snowrise Island. These towering conifers provide a valuable source of timber, prized for its durability and resistance to frostbite. Timber harvested from frostwood trees is used in construction, shipbuilding, and crafting.   Minerals: Beneath the frozen surface of Snowrise Island lie valuable mineral deposits waiting to be unearthed. Rich veins of iron, copper, and other metals can be found in the mountains and caverns of the island, providing essential resources for crafting weapons, tools, and other goods.   Fish and Wildlife: The icy rivers and lakes of Snowrise Island teem with fish and other aquatic life, providing a vital food source for the inhabitants of the island. Fishermen ply their trade along the frozen waterways, hauling in bountiful catches of trout, salmon, and other cold-water species. Additionally, the abundant wildlife of Snowrise Island, including caribou, wolves, and bears, can be hunted for their meat, fur, and other resources.   Magical Crystals: Legends speak of mysterious crystals hidden deep within the icy caverns of Snowrise Island, imbued with magical properties and untold power. These crystals are highly sought after by adventurers and sorcerers alike, who seek to harness their energy for arcane rituals and enchantments.   These natural resources form the lifeblood of Snowrise Island, sustaining its inhabitants and fueling its economy. However, their exploitation also brings challenges and dangers, as rival factions vie for control over these valuable assets in the unforgiving wilderness.


In the Frozen Steepes of Snowrise Island, Skysword stands as an adament reminder of the eternal fight of the Arctigians. Someone who walks down the winding streets city streets would have their eyes drawn to the centuries old scorch marks and chipped stone from the many year siege of Skysword.    When the Gnomes were first created over 10,000 years ago, Aelroth directed them to defend their homeland and Lateras. With divine military knowledge, Jaxry Loremain instructed his gnome compatriots to begin the construction of a great fortress, one that could withstand the onslaught of the Dark Realms itself. Skysword rose from the ground, just as the Gnomes did, and became the cornerstone of Arctigian culture and society.   From Skysword, Arctig developed the military culture that would define Arctig. The Vanguard would begin its training within its very walls, the first Regents were appointed to control districts of the city, and the Commandants took their role in presiding over law. At this point in time, Aelroth came to Jaxry with designs for the for a magic ritual area, a tower in which the magic warhammer keylock could be used to activate the Thunderstrike. The tower was known as Brightstrike tower, and it stands as the tallest and most prominent tower in Skysword. Jaxry reigned as Stormblade Vanguard for over 800 years before his passing.   As the milenia passed, Skysword grew stronger, its walls expanded and its garrisons reinforced with more Arctigians. Skysword from the outside seemed impenetrable. And when the Great Demonic Incursion began, and the endless demon hordes arrived on the doorstep of Skysword, she strood ready to withstand the onslaught. The demons laid violent siege over Skysword for over 5 years before the they were beaten back by the Drak Ruiter and Arctigians, and her walls stood resolute over the vile demons. Considered the greatest acheivement of Lateras, Skysword's resilience to the siege is one of the most important events in Lateras' history.
Alternative Name(s)
Indomitable Hilltop
Included Organizations
Ruling/Owning Rank
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