Skeleton Species in Lavir | World Anvil
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After a Zombie or regular corpse has rotted away all of its flesh, the skeleton left behind may reanimate. One can also become a skeleton if their grave has been disturbed before Afterlife starts. Skeletons are a slightly more dangerous brand of undead as their movements are not slowed or limited by rigor mortis and they are capable of thought. After the brain has rotted away, the soul may easily act as a substitute and increase the awareness of the corpse. Soul energy is also used to keep the skeleton together as if it were still held together by connective tissue, ligaments, and tendons. Also, unlike zombies, they are resistant to certain attacks, like from piercing and slashing weapons. However, they are weak to bludgeoning weapons.

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Uses, Products & Exploitation

Skeletons make good guards that will defend burial sites or dungeons without fear for their afterlives. Powerful undead and spellcasters can use them as soldiers and easily command them to march wherever directed.
For thousands of years, until the bones rot away as well.