S30. To Falcon's and Death Report

General Summary

Uktar 12 and 13   The adventurers (still unnamed, but apparently the task has been assigned to Keth) wrap up business in Phandalin and hit the road. Gifts are exchanged, including one from Wolfaen to Flicker.    He left a note for her with Toblen, and it asked her to read it aloud. She did so, and the note included the work Hakuna...which caused the Rod of Collapsing to suddenly expand from her backpack (where Wolf had hidden it) to full length. And so a string of practical jokes on each other is bound to ensue.   Keth gave Flicker a Pot of Awakening, wherein she planted a Juniper seed.   Other gifts were given and received [help me out here...in the comments].   The traveled through the Wood and arrived at Falcon's. They were greeted at the gatehouse by Corwin, an old man who was a little grumpy. He showed them in and then headed to the kitchens to make supper. They feasted, traded stories, gathered information from Falcon, and eventually went to bed.   When they woke in the morning and gathered for breakfast, Cryovain attacked by busting in through the wall and took out Amarille, Eethyl, and his humunculous before focusing on Sef, talking to her with some familiarity...   Sef stood up to the dragon well, but just before it attacked again, she woke from the nightmare.   ...and across the compound, Keth's Sending Stone jingled. He scrambled to get to it and read it.   TELL SEF I MISS HER.


A pair of Boots of Elvenkind were offered as reward for taking out the half-orc spellcasters at the Woodland Manse.
Legacy in Leilon! Campaign
Helaena DuFarran
wolfaen the red
Eethyl Benzoin
Amarille Trisquinal
Chaotic Good High Elf (Hermit)
Monk 1
12 / 12 HP
Player Journals
Heart Sight by Eethyl Benzoin
A Night Alone by Keth Ravenwood
Meeting Falcon by Flicker Greenridge
Report Date
21 Jul 2022
Primary Location


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Jul 24, 2022 01:33 by Shawna From Michigan

Wolf was given a watermelon carved into a dragon wrapped in cheesecloth - Keth was given 2 bookmarks - At dinner Flicker was given Chitin armor, hair bands and a comb - Sef was given a head scarf - - - Gifts exchanged on the 11th, 12th, 13th. They arrived at Falcon's on the 14th and the session ended at breakfast on the 15th

Jul 26, 2022 06:30 by Jim "GameKn1ght" Dickinson

Excellent! Thanks!