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Mon 25th Jul 2022 05:00

Heart Sight

by Eethyl Benzoin

[After walking to the farm]
Eethyl closed the barn door and thuds his forehead against it, flattening the brim of his hat down over his closed eyes. He fumbles with the necklace after a few minutes and, walking to the back of the barn, hangs it on a nail before disappearing.
Stepping into the space he sits heavily on the stool at the workbenches and stares blankly at the bowl filled with clay in front of him. Sila’s voice comes from the pouch eventually, “Did you need me to put you to sleep with an arrow? You really haven’t been sleeping enough. You need to value sleep, remember?”
The gnome simply answers the question with “no” quietly and grabs a small bladed tool from his bag. He grimaces and lets out a gasp as he cuts quickly into his palm and squeezes his hand over the bowl. A thin stream falls staining the clay and pooling some around the edges. “That’s enough” Sila says after a minute. Eethyl lets it continue a second more glancing toward his belt and then grabs a rag and wraps the wound.
He gets up and walks over to a series of small raised planter beds along the edge of the space and picks up a bowl with recently harvested roots. Walking back to the bowl on the bench, he places wax blocks in his ears and he spends time shredding the root into the bowl. When finished he mixes the contents and spends a few minutes placing the finishing touches on a small sculpted figure nearby.
Sila’s voice finally comes again. “You need to relinquish some of your anger and self pity there Ethyl”.
He stops and shakes his head before responding “I’m fine”.
A tiny laugh rings from the bag, “You know I can see what you and the rest of them feel better than they do. Don’t argue with me. You might be smarter than I but you are often foolish too.”
He rubs his temples and deflates some. “She is frustrating. For being such short-lived people you figure these humans would be able to remember the last two ten day at least.”
“You say you believe one thing and I see in your heart you still hold at least a half dozen offenses as if evidence saved for a trial.” She responds patiently but sternly. “I also see your appreciation for her…Though that Sef grows on you I see…Oh?...Keth you would harbor against also though?”
The gnome scoffs, “The lad is fine. He just misunderstands magic and I’m fairly certain he thinks less of my methods like the order and everyone else. It’s fine. I don’t need his approval.” he says as he waves as if brushing it off.
“But you feel loss there? Understandable. Separate that foolishness from Wilmanric and the rest then and let it go.” to which he gives a groan and a curt humming acknowledgement. “And the girl? You just spoke to her about not requiring payment yet you require her politeness where her offense stems simply from her youth and hurt it seems?”
Eethyl gives a sigh and pulls his hands down over his face as if tired. “Sila, I really appreciate but also hate that you can see what’s inside people. It’s like working with someone that has a mirror constantly to your inner issues.” A brief hmmf of acknowledgement comes from the pearl. “Anything else you need to tell me then Sila?” he asks with a pause.
“No. Just practice what you say you believe and actually require nothing in return.”
The gnome nods and pats the bag at his belt as if to say thank you. “I will try. I know I’m wrong and that is frustrating. She is trying. Don’t ask me to work it out withWilmanric though. I don’t care to sort out the issue.” He gets up and returns to the desk and looks at the figure again, with its misshapen face. “Well Gwaur, I guess you are a reflection of me after all. Alright. Here we go.” He picks up a set of goggle frames from the table and places them and the small figure in a furnace. Retrieving a crucible he sets it in the receiving end of the furnace and sets the goggle frames in, watching them begin to melt some before he shuts the furnace door.
Hours later Gwaur and Eethyl emerge from the door of the barn and after a brief wave are off to the manor wood.
A while after speaking with Keth the gnome is found on his knees in the wood in front of a bucket nailed to a tree with hands covered in sap. "Goodness Sila, even after making the decision it's still frustrating. At least he was easier to talk to." Eethyl says, wishing she could respond at the moment. Gwaur licks at chews awkwardly at the rosin that is collected nearby. “Stop that. I’ll make you something soon enough. I don’t have time to spend in the kitchen now.” Gwaur scampers away a few steps, still chewing and gumming a piece between what barely passes for molars as he looks back at the gnome. Eethyl exhales as he lifts himself up. “Come on. We still have work to do.” And the two wander further into the wood as the light sets, Gwaur sniffing through the bushes and wandering ahead of the gnome some.
Eethyl had been listening to the morning chatter of the group as Gwaur found them and they set off the following morning as he finished placing several flasks and vials in small wooden stands. “That’s about it.” he says to noone in particular.
Brebels’ snicker comes for a moment. “You realize that won't be enough to save you from a green right? You saw the depictions in the burrow. Your group is certainly not cut of the same cloth. Half of you will die before even being able to strike the beast.”
“That’s enough out of you Brebel. I’m going to have to bind you if you don’t contain yourself.”
The pouch remained quiet to the gnome's relief. “Alright. New day. Lots to be thankful for. I get to be with people. Here we go. Off to see Falcon.” The gnome puts on a big smile and breaths twice before the mist hits.