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It is unclear when and where the worship of Azithurapash began; the earliest unambiguous reference to him is to be found in the ruins of the Temple of the High Gods in the hills above Freeport Reserta, off the northern coast of Savura. He is depicted as a humanoid with the head of a lion, and named as "Azithurapash, Hand of War, King of the Field of Triumph". The Temple is believed to have been built between two and three thousand years ago.   Though not directly attested to in the canonical Chronicles of Vash Edom, some Tevashi scholars believe that he may have been worshipped under the name of "Azizu, the Lion of Slaughter" during the reign of the Faceless Kings.   He is likewise known to the people of the central plateaus as Azizu, though they consider it taboo to speak his name, lest his attention be invoked; he is generally known by the title of "Conquering Lion", or some similar epithet. He is rarely called upon, even in times of war, it being understood that it is his nature to drive conflicts to create ever-worsening devastation. Nonetheless, the ka of Katta'zaya, one of the constituent clans of the Khanate of Zargadal, has long had an association with Azizu.   The Madduri worship Azithurapash by the name of Aziz or Azith, though he is more commonly referred to as the Black Lion and by the epithet "Flame of Ruin". Whilst it is commonly stated by outsiders that the Black Lion is the Madduri god of war, this is a slight misperception as Maddur has a number of war-gods and Aziz is only directly associated with certain aspects of war - specifically, with the most destructive aspects. Some scholars believe that prior to the History of Vaalus invasion of Maddur in the 11th century, Aziz played a relatively minor part in Madduri religion, and that his rise in prominence was a direct result of the massacres that occured during that war.  

Possible Historical Correlates

  The shade of the Kenku known as Stone Skittering Down the Mountain claimed to have been a member of "Kith Aziz" during its life; it seems likely that there would be a connection between this Kith and Azithurapash, though quite what the connection may have been is unclear.  

Connection to the Eighth Paragon

  Several references have been made to a connection between Azithurapash and the Eighth Paragon:  
  • Stone Skittering Down the Mountain referred to the "Soul of the Heirophant" as the "Burden of Aziz".
  • Qi'eka'a referred to the entity upon which the Ravens of Death unleashed the Devouring Word as "Aziz-Ulibor" - "Ulibor", according to Tdjaia'ucchan, being one of the names by which the Eighth is known to the Web of Shadows.
  • The Anima of Vash Ossai mentioned the existence, and destruction, of the "Black Lion Clan" in the context of the Eighth Paragon. Whilst circumstantial, given that the Black Lion is a common epithet of Azithurapash, this may likewise indicate some connection.

Lord of the Wastes

  Azithurapash is believed to be the ruling deity of the Carrion Wastes.
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations
Metaphysical Title
Archon of War (Disputed)
Masks and Aliases
Aziz, Azith, Azizu, and variations thereof
Black Lion
Conquering Lion
Flame of Ruin
Hand of War
King of the Field of Triumph
Lion of Slaughter


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