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Lubor an Kaliset


According to Tdjaia'ucchan, he was a priest in the city of Kaliset. His city suffered from a terrible drought and famine, which his god claimed to have sent due to their laxity in worship. The city sacrificed everything to appease their god - but it had been a lie, and the god had neither sent the famine, nor could save them from it.   The portraits owned by Ambrosius depict him as a human.  

Archive of the Anima

[...] Hunter, God-Eater. The title of "Beloved" is of obscure origin; it may represent an error in translation, in which the name [...] Sikaryam's denunciation, which may not lawfully be overturned, prevents us from further [...] if, indeed, it was ever true in the first place. Whilst we believe Sathrazapash to have been destroyed and his essence consumed at or around this time, we have no evidence to suggest [...] were somehow exchanged [...] essence dispersed between their vessels, that the death of the body was simply irrelevant to their ongoing [...] at Amuriel's request; we were thus able to engineer a situation in which they were ultimately turned on by [...] slaughter of the entire Black Lion Clan in order to retrieve it. We are assured that this situation is now in hand, and there is no danger of this recurring.

The Call of the Eighth

And the eighth spoke: “I seize divinity for all who the Tyrant Gods have cast down; that we might strike down the very gods themselves and claim our birthright, the blood of Azoth, the divine spark that dwells within every soul. I claim Liberation, for I have beheld the Face of the King, and pledge myself thus to Victorious Night”


Tdjaia'ucchan claimed that he became overwhelmed by the desire to devour the gods and replace them.  

The War of the Paragons

Tdjaia'ucchan claimed that he was the first to defect from the Paragon Council, choosing to take the fight directly to the gods and consume their essence for his own ends. Other evidence has suggested a connection to the gods known as Sathrazapash and Azithurapash - the precise nature of the connection is unclear, though some visionary evidence suggests that the three entities were to some extent merged, and it has been hypothesized that Lubor may have absorbed both their essences in his ascension.   Archaeological evidence has suggested that there was a strong connection between Lubor and the Faceless Kings that ruled Tzim Tevash during the time that followed the rise of the Paragons, though the full extent of this connection is as yet unclear. It is thus plausible that some of the attempts of Alavar Scriptorum and his followers to erase the Faceless Kings from their history may have been intended to suppress information relating to the Paragons.   His throne is believed to have been in Kaliset.  


The precise circumstances of his binding are uncertain, though various evidence and the account of Morkatherit suggest that the Kenku - or, rather, their forbears the Chronotyryn - were responsible. It appears that his soul was shattered into multiple pieces - at least twelve - one of which was found in a reliquary in the vault of House Zaal under the city of Cameri.   Comments made by Qi'eka'a imply that the specific individuals responsible for this shattering and binding were known as the "Ravens of Death" - a group that included Stone Skittering Down the Mountain - and that this was achieved with their divine assistance; this assistance came in the form of tuition in the use of fragments of the Song of Creation and the correct combination thereof, to perform the working.   It has been theorised that fully assembling Lubor's soul within a single individual would have the effect of resurrecting the paragon; furthermore, it appears likely that once a sufficient proportion of the soul has been gathered together, Lubor's power would be able to overwhelm the host and he would be likely to have the power to complete the process himself. It is possible that this would have been the result if Artula Crake had not died at the Battle of Heraconium. Key Turns in the Lock is known to be making a sustained attempt to absorb fragments of Lubor's soul for the purpose of restoring the Chronotyryn to existence, and after the murder of Echoed Murmur in 1344AK has managed to assemble a full half of it; Key has claimed to have access to a method of ensuring that the Paragon cannot overwhelm his soul, and whilst the details of this method are unclear, it has been implied to relate to the Unutterable Word.  


It is unclear how many of Lubor's followers may have persisted until the present day, though it appears likely that at least some of them entered the cycle of reincarnation instantiated by the Oath of Night. A group named the Black Lion Clan may have had some connection to Lubor, but the details are obscure. If, as there seems to be some evidence to indicate, Azithurapash and Lubor are the same entity, then the worshippers of Azithurapash may perhaps be considered to be followers of Lubor; this would include a significant number of devotees in Maddur, as well as some prominent historical figures such as Artula Crake, whom visionary evidence has suggested may have been directly influenced by Lubor. There are also rumours that the Oath of the Long Watch was involved in hunting down followers of an ancient evil known as "the Lion" in Kjelslund in the 1320's AK, which may likewise indicate that Lubor's cult has survived his downfall.   The Reckoners of the Final Hour, followers of Key Turns in the Lock, have been known to use power derived from Lubor's essence, though they are not thought to have any genuine loyalty to him.  


  It is unclear what degree of influence Ulibor may continue to exert upon the world.
Divine Capacity
Unquenchable Hunger
he/him, they/them
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Metaphysical Title
Masks and Aliases
Azithurapash (speculated)
Eighth Paragon
Sathrazapash (speculated)

Articles under Lubor an Kaliset


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