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(a.k.a. Dendri)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Dendri's true form is that of a great winged dragon, with scales the colour of copper tinged with verdigris. When interacting with mortals she often assumes the form of a woman of elven descent, though tends to retain some signs of her true nature - such as scaled and taloned feet. Whether this is intentional or represents a limitation on her ability to change her form is unclear.

Identifying Characteristics

Dendri's elven form is noted to have an abstract glpyh tattooed in red around her left eye socket.

Special abilities

Dendri is capable of breathing fire in her dragon form.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dendri claims to be some two millenia or more in age; she was born in the Draconic Imperium, and was sent to fight alongside the Oathcircle during their attempt to bind The Merciful One. She was one of the founding members of Oath of the Long Watch, and a close friend and confident of Elia of Tchokayahattak - though admitted to not having seen her in some two centuries or thereabouts.

Morality & Philosophy

Dendri considers herself opposed to the machinations of the Paragons of Azoth; though not entirely unsympathetic to their aims, she considered their methods questionable and the results of those methods truly horrific. She likewise finds the practices of the Five Great Dragons intolerable, and particularly considers the events of the Chastisement of Armel  to be morally abhorrent.
Dendri's humanoid form
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Knight of the Long Watch
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages

Articles under Dendrithekimallion


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