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Elia of Tchokayahattak

(a.k.a. Zulghazi Eliyah, Eli Alaricsson)

Zulgazi Eliyah, most commonly known as Elia of Tchokayahattak, was an orcish member of the Oathcircle, and one of the founders of the Oath of the Long Watch.   They were a close friend of Amuriel of Vash Edom, and likewise of the dragon Dendrithekimallion.  

The War of Binding

Elia was present at when the city of Tchokayahattak was destroyed by the Oathcircle on the orders of Xochehuasti, the city being annihilated through the use of a weaponised artefact containing the imprisoned soul of one of the Paragons. It is believed that after this they led a splinter group of the Oathcircle whilst Xochehuasti attempted to pursue the Seventh Paragon. They were involved in the creation of the Wardstorm that prevented others from entering Tchokayahattak, and later became one of the three beings who knew the location of Kab Melekh and were able to enter the tomb without outside assistance.   Elia was present at the final battle against the Ninth Paragon in Pardatheum, which resulted in their being bound within a "prison of darkness" beyond the Mountains of Na'azh. In the wake of this final victory, they founded the Oath of the Long Watch along with a handful of others - Amuriel of Vash Edom, and the dragons Dendrithekimallion, Hassoreliath, Morkatherit and Zuravatuul.  

The Wanderer

  Over the centuries that followed the defeat of the Paragons, Elia wandered the earth, building up a loose network of agents that fed information back to the Oath of the Long Watch. According to Dendrithekimallion, Elia had become something that was no longer entirely mortal; ageless and apparantly unkillable, they hunted down the followers of the Paragons and all who would seek to unbind them.   It is thought that at some point Elia journeyed to the Desolation in order to prevent someone - potentially another surviving member of the Oathcircle - from passing through the Wardstorm to Tchokayahattak.   According to Dendrithekimallion, Elia became increasinly isolated from the rest of the Oathcircle after the death of Amuriel of Vash Edom in 544AK. Dendri claimed not to have spoken to Elia since the mid-1100's AK, and that she had no method of finding or making contact with them should they not wish to be found.  

Fire and Salt

During the War of Fire and Salt of the 1320's AK, Elia is thought to have been active in Kjelslund, adopting the identity of "Eli Alaricsson" and posing as a mercenary. They worked with an Alderni magician named Carlo Landolfi-Erastes, where they were apparantly hunting down cultists of "the Lion" who were using the violence of the war to cover for their diabolical plans. It was around this time that they recruited Gheylen Vatallio-Erastes into the Oath of the Long Watch.  

Recent Activities

Whilst it has not been entirely possible to trace Elia's activities over the last few years, a few points of reference have been established:
  • They contacted Gheylen Vatallio-Erastes in mid-to-late 1343 AK, giving them a mysterious wooden box and instructing them to keep it safe.
  • They were working with Echoed Murmur towards some goal which has yet to be fully established.
  • In early 1344 AK they, along with Echoed Murmur, met with a Tiefling and a Kenku in Rostog to purchase a scroll of unknown provenance. The meeting turned out to be a trap; Echoed Murmur was killed (though restored to life shortly thereafter by the Lich Ambrosius), and Elia was incapacitated. It has been established that their attackers were working for the Web of Shadows, and that the kenku was Key Turns in the Lock.
  • The attackers used an oblex to extract Elia's memories, likely rendering them completely amnestic. A vial of oblex ichor containing these memories was later recovered from a camp near Kab Melekh believed to have been used by a Web of Shadows agent known as Tzatu'yshan.
  Elia's fate following this incident is unknown.
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