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Gretchen Herzogin

Gretchen Herzogin is a necromancer of the Fourfold Flame, who was apprehended by agents of the Queensknife in Valkenholt in mid-1344.  


Gretchen's family were refugees from Kjelslund, who fled to Aldernord during the War of Fire and Salt and settled in the impoverished outskirts of Valkenholt. As a child she was noted to be magically talented by the clergy of Hrenisha, and was offered a place to study at the Academy of Gildenschloss from the age of 11.   She graduated from her studies as an Adept and Sanctioned Necromancer in 1334AK, albeit with a significant debt in the form of the Apprentice Bond which would obligate her to effective indenture by the Gilded Tower for many years. She was approached by Eupraxia Canthor, who recruited her to the service of House Canthor with the promise of paying off her debts, and was thereafter inducted into the Fourfold Flame. By the time that she became aware of the true nature of the Fourfold Flame and its intentions, she was too deeply involved with the necromantic conspiracy to be able to leave.   Gretchen was assigned as the personal secretary to Theodorus Canthor, though unofficially she reported to Praxilla Canthor and was tasked with keeping Theodorus in line. Amongst her duties was that she was to eliminate Theorodus if he showed any sign of betraying the Fourfold Flame.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1313 31 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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