BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Sixth


According to Tdjaia'ucchan, they were a philosopher and artificer, who discovered that there was a fundamental limitation on what mortal minds were able to comprehend of the universe, and that this was not inherent to the nature of the universe, but rather had been made so by the High Gods.   The portraits owned by Ambrosius depict them as a humanoid with serpentine features, possibly a Yuan-Ti.  

Archive of the Anima

[...] of the Arch, Shaper, Artificer, Seer [...] dynasty, at that time a satrapy of Pardatheum. They were assigned as the dynasty's emissary [...] mechanical expertise and understanding of chronurgy, allegedly having achieved [...] retain an element of control over such matters despite the actions of [...] alleged "insanity" must be interpreted in this context; we presume that this is born of a fundamental misunderstanding [...] the various mechanical creations scattered across the world that may be attributed to the work of their students [...] to recreate, based on the schematics, but we have so far not [...] claims that they were bound after the fall of the Hag Queen, though would not reveal the method [...] at some future time.

The Call of the Sixth

And the sixth spoke: “I seize divinity for those who would dream; that we might behold truth and bring forth understanding - let there be no ignorance nor self-deception within my Domain. I claim Wisdom, for I have beheld the Face of the King, and pledge myself thus to Victorious Night”


Tdjaia'ucchan claims that their curiosity became an obsessive search for truth that overwhelmed all other considerations, but that no matter what they knew, their knowledge would never be complete and they would never truly understand any of it.  

The War of the Paragons

Tdjaia'ucchan claimed that they initially worked with Balamir and Oruban to avert the cataclysm by rebuilding the godhead, and that Balamir might be able to do so by convincing the universe that it was possible. This would require the sacrifice of three quarters of the souls in creation; another solution would involve Balamir consuming a third of all the souls in creation, empowering them to pass through the gates and consume entire other universes in order to shore up this one.   Tdjaia'ucchan claims that after the destruction of Shas'Ellith, they travelled to Pardatheum with Vhoux to continue their experiments.   Their throne is believed to have been located in Pardatheum.  


  It is unclear how they were bound, though the dragon Yothkatamonis claimed that Xochehuasti was responsible. Morkath's Account claimed that he was trapped "within his own obsessions".  


  Little is presently known of the followers of the Artificer. It is presumed that they may have used the Oath of Night to remain within the cycles of reincarnation, and that the Auditors of Artifice may be among those who claim loyalty to their philosophy.  


  Little is known of the ongoing influence that the Artificer may exert upon the world - though it is noted that they have been able to emancipate individuals from the bonds of fate, as happened to a party of adventurers that were destined to die at Kab Melekh.
Dreaming Depths
Knowledge Without Understanding
Aligned Organization
Metaphysical Title
Masks and Aliases
(unclear) of the Arch
Lord Shaper


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